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Fire woke up feeling like shit. That's all he could register. He groaned and his stomach felt like it was bloated. He could smell his own breath and gagged.
Did he do it again?
Oh yeah...
He remembered...
He did it again.

World was gonna kill him.

He slowly got up and registered his pounding head, he blew his nose and then stumbled to take a shower. God knows he needed one.

The water was cold and he yelped but it felt so good. He normally didn't like to take baths so he always stuck to the showers. Unfortunatly Ciel had warned them that you could only heat up the water in the bath because there was a heating system underneath. However the showers were always cold. They were forced to not have a lot of heat because then the state would notice them and that was something that would devastate loads.
Fire didn't even know what state he was in. Perhaps he and World could go to Canada some day.

The shower calmed him down and he soon felt like his normal self. He rushed downstairs and ate a whole bunch before zipping out of the door and trying to find World.

World watched Tim work out with a glare. Tim knew he was there, glaring, but he did nothing. Only when World crossed his muscled arms and said "stay away from my brother." Did Tim raise his eyes to stare at World. "Why?" "Because I said so." "I have done nothing wrong." World felt angry, like he was gonna burst but he soon calmed himself and sighed.

Fire burst in panting "HEY GUYS!" World watched him with concern as he babbled about his day and complained. He noticed how pale he was, normally he was a nice tanned color but today he looked sick.
World didn't even realize what he was doing as he walked up to Fire and put a hand on his warm head. Feeling for a fever or the smallest amount of pain.
"Dude get off! My systems are always hot nowadays, it's normal. Now get off!" He pushed off his brothers hand and said "Alright anyone want to play video games?" World shook his head and Tim didn't answer. Fire shrugged. "Whatever. Your loss." Then he walked out, humming a tune. He was abnormally happy today.

World needed to think.


He and Fire needed to leave. They needed to take revenge on the son of a bitch who did this to them. All of them could storm and ruin this world! They could make a new world, a better one.
World chuckled to himself.
He was sitting in a closet with a knife in one hand, spinning it between his fingers.

Fire would see that he would always protect him.


So they had to leave.

They had to kill their father.

They're father is the one who just handed them over to the scientists! They were lab rats for so long and now that they were free...

The only problem was that they didn't know where they were and Fire seemed to really like it here. Fire didn't need his older brother anymore, only his friends and hot girls.

He heard someone come in and assumed it was Fire. The steps creaked and then the closet do was thrown open. Harvey stpod there, looking wild and he said quietly "I turn thirty today..." Harvey picked World up and said
"a snack wouldn't hurt."

A scream.

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