Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Traint was tired of trying to reach Serena's parents. But he had no other choice. It had been the third phone call that he had made. Still there wasn't any result. It came to mind that maybe he had the wrong number, but he soon discarded that possibility out. There was no way that his sources were in any way wrong. The number that he was trying to call was the right one. It had to be. On the fourth ring of the fifth call, Serena's father answered the phone.

“Hello, who is this?”

Traint smirked. His plan began at that moment. His long awaited revenge. It was just the beginning. “Mr. Jackson I am sure that you know what tomorrow is, am I right,” he asked in a sardonic tone.

“How is my daughter doing? Is she okay, please tell me,” Mr. Jackson asked desperately. The quilt and remorse were eating away at him and his wife. Slowly killing the both of them. They wanted to take her back and give back all the money that they had taken. They wanted to make things right again. But it was too late for that now. Far too late.

“Mr. Jackson, Serena is doing just fine, so fine in fact that she would be delighted to see her parents. As you already know, tomorrow is her birthday. The perfect present would be to see her beloved parents on her special day, don't you think so?”

“Is she alright, have you done anything to my daughter?”

“The better question here would be, what have you done to your daughter? Just keep in mind that everything that happens to her from now on is all your fault.”

“If you have hurt my baby girl in any way, I will kill you,” Serena's father threatened Traint.

Traint had not the patience nor the time to have an argument with a mere human. He had better things to do than to waste his precious time.

“Mr. Jackson there will be a privet jet waiting for you and your wife in the closest airport to you. You will stay in a hotel and someone will be picking you up and bring you to your daughter.” He hung up the phone without waiting for Mr. Jackson's response.

Traint sat in his chair, sipping blood a glass. His life couldn't get any better. The only thing that completely ruined his perfect life were those damn council members and their insistence of him marrying. He wanted to be single for the rest of his life. He didn't want to end up like his parents. What his parents had gone through was hell, and his mother had suffered the most. He didn't want to become like his father. He would never be like him. Never. Marriage was like cancer. It ate you up in such a skulking way that you never noticed that something was wrong until it was too late. Love was the same. It was only good for one thing, making someone suffer. Not everyone got their happy endings. Some endings were twisted and cruel.

Suddenly the door burst open and Serena came into his study. “Traint I know how I want my party to be!”

He could tell that she was very excited. There was no other choice, but to put on a fraudulent smile on his face and look at her. “And how would you like your party to be, honey?” Traint noticed the traces of hesitation she had before she answered.

“Uh...well I was wondering if you would let me invite all of the servants to the party; they are the only people that I know in this city,” she said,looking at him with her big ocean blue, innocent eyes. They were so deep and full of life and so innocent that he almost regretted having the idea of taking that away from her.

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