Three Men

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"Not looking good.."

"Possibly a few days..."

"Poor guy.. first his wife now..."

As I drift in and out of consciousness I hear words, spoken by who? I'm not sure. Never able to see, just darkness, sounds flow freely. I can feel myself fall in and out of sleep.

It feels like days... weeks even..

And suddenly my dad is here, right infront of me, looking down.

"Dad?" I manage to choke out through dry lips. He looks up in suprise, widened eyes.

"Doctor!" He calls out before looking down again. "Aiden, Aiden, thank god. How're you feeling?"

His voice is like a hammer pounding into my brain. Every word he speaks hurts.

"Dad what's happening..?"

"Hush now son, it'll be okay, don't you worry about all that until later." He looks up as a doctor strides swiftly into the room, a look of surprise on his face.

"Aiden Jones," He says with a soft voice, "You're awake.."

"What's happening.." I croak again.

My dad lets out a soft but forced chuckle.

"The doctors told me it would be atleast a few days until we see any activity from you, its been less than one." He smiles confidently, as if he had just beaten the doctors at their own game.

I, on the other hand, am even more confused by the words. A soft ringing noise is running through my ears, making everything else sound quieter, as the ringing loudens.

"Yes, I... we believed you would not wake for another while, but I see we were mistaken." His eyes say otherwise, he's looking at me with an air of surprise and confusion.

"Do you feel any different?" He asks.

"No?" I say, ignoring my massive headache," Please tell me what's going on."

"We have some guys here now to talk to you about that, feel okay to stand?"

I nod, feeling the heaviness of my head. I pull my feet out of the cover, and throw them over the side of the bed. Sitting there, I feel a strange mix of tiredness, yet also energetic, a strange mix yes, but that's the only way I could describe it. Standing up, a wave of dizziness hits me, making me reach out to hold onto the door drame until it passes.

"You okay?" My dad asks worringly.

I nod again, ignoring the rising dizziness, motivated to find out what the hell is going on.

The doctor follows me, ready to help if I suddenly faint or fall. My dad keeps talking about how remarkable it is that I woke so early.

"You must be fairly strong lad, surviving that and just getting up and walking a few mere hours later. Just like your father I say. Actually just like your mother."

Mother.. My mom.. The memories hit me like a truck, making me stop in my tracks, causing the doctor to nearly ram into me.

"Mom... how is she?"

My dad turns, a slight smile on his face. "Shes's doing fine right now sonny, don't you worry about her right now, focus on staying upright."

As he says it, I notice I'm leaning on the doctors shoulder. Standing up properly, I nod, and continue to walk.

We walk past reception, into an office next to the one my father and I were in last time. Inside the larger room, sat three men in suits.

"Aiden Jones."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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