Chapter 9 - Missfired

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Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me?

"Leave him! We'll come after!"

I take another look, I grab Titan and start running, down the stairs is the rest of the team.

"Fucking hell..." says Person...

"He was a real warrior."


"Team One, this is Team Two, engaging!"

One minute passes, nobody says anything. We are all standing and thinking.
There are gunshots in the background. Everything stops after an explosion goes off.

"Team One, the vehicle is destroyed, I repeat, the enemy armored vehicle is down."

"Let's move..." says Person while grabbing his rifle.

A tear comes out my eye.

"Team Two, is it clear outside?"

"Negative, Team One, snipers are still out here!"

"Fucking snipers..."

"Team One, regroup to our position, how copy?"

"Solid copy, Team Two, provide cover while we move!"

"Let's go!" shouts Person with aggression.


Our friend just died.
I take my rifle and exit the door with slow steps, following Person.

"We have to be at cover every time. We can't risk another loss."

Under the shadows of the big clay buildings we slowly advance and clear every corner, every sound makes us jump and every window is our enemy. We are now at the mercy of our own fear.
We arrive on Team Two's positon but no one is here.

"Team Two, here Team One, we're on top of your last position, where are you, over?"

A rock falls from a roof. We all immediately aim the guns over there.

It's sergeant Grills.
We all hostler our weapons, our hearts are racing.

"Fucking hell, man, you are lucky we didn't shoot your ass of, fool!" says Big.

"We have to take contact with BASE 1 and see what is our next objective. Come in!"

The door opens and we all get in, relieved we don't have to stay outside anymore.
Everyone in the house is standing in the shadows...hiding from the sniper's vision.

"You are missing one!" notices Grills.

"Private Reeves has been killed while executing orders." Says Person.
"Sorry to hear that." He replies.

The radio interrupts us.

"Team Two-One? What's your status?"

"We have managed to destroy the enemy vehicle but there is a sniper hunting our asses out there. Is unsafe to even take a peak outside! Over."

"Copy that , Team Two-One, tank company Vigilante1 is near your positon and awaiting to support you. You have to keep your current position and provide coordinates for our artillery. How copy Team Two?"

"Bad copy, BASE1, what the fuck do we with the sniper!?" responds Dixie with anger.

"Wait one, Team Two-One."

"Fucking imbeciles..." whispers Dixie.

"Team Two-One, do you know the snipers position?"

"Negative, BASE1, he seems to be changing position as soon as he stops shooting."

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