✿ Chapter Four✿

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Blossomtail's heart pounded as she padded back into camp. Deer's response had hurt. His pointed glare had hurt. She didn't understand why he wasn't happy. He could join the Clans - they could be a family!

It was probably her fault, anyways.

Her head hung low as she padded into camp. Rainclaw was sitting in the center of the clearing, his blue eyes sharp. 

"What were you doing out there?" he hissed. "You can't just leave camp whenever you want! We are a Clan, you know."

"Well, I'm sorry..I was hunting." She had planned her alibi already. Her fur was a bit ruffled, and she hoped she looked flushed enough from running back to camp. As a bonus she had managed to catch a mouse on the way back. She dropped in the hunting pile as if she was proving a point to Rainclaw.

"Well, you should be tending to your apprentice then," Rainclaw meowed, his tail lashing.

"What? I'm sure Dustpaw is fine," she said.

Rainclaw's eyes narrowed. "You should be making sure she is all right."

"Fine." Paws heavy, she stalked off to the medicine den.

Inside, Grassnose was sorting herbs. "Hi," he meowed without looking up. "Dustpaw is resting right now so it would be great if you could show yourself out."

"Who put burrs in your fur," muttered Blossomtail. "Well, Rainclaw told me to see if she was feeling better."

"She'll be okay in a little bit, actually. MAybe you can take her hunting tomorrow," said Grassnose.

"Okay, thank you." Blossomtail left the medicine den but she had a creeping feeling in her belly that something was wrong.


I didn't have school today so I could write a chapter! I hope you enjoyed and please vote and comment ^~^

- BlossomtailWC

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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