Chapter 1

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This is a disclaimer to anyone who is going to read this story, it is completely fiction and the historical actions are completely made up by my mind. So if there are any critics or history buffs who would get angry then please do not read. If you have no problem, then read on to your hearts content.


Have you ever thought that something was impossible ? Like that ability to fly, jump 30 feet in the air, run on water etc. As a little girl I had always wanted to travel through time, see the places in history my dad used to tell me about. The glories of the past that I had daydreamed to be in since I was three. But time travel is in the realm of impossibility. It can't happen, or at least, it shouldn't.


"Kill me now ," I rolled my eyes for what seemed for the hundredth time as my older twin brother and sister seemed like they were three seconds away from either booking it or going back to the car and staying there.

"Sabe, would you stop complaining for five minutes ? There is no way out of this so, you and Axis stop ruining this trip for the rest of us ," my sister sent me a withering glare, Axis just chose to protest in silence.

"Unlike you and dad, the rest of us don't want to spend our vacation time in the dirt on a dig site, trying unearth some 300 year old bones ."

At this point in time my family and I were heading to iceland, a beautiful country rich with history as dad liked to say. I was just happy that I would get to be on a real dig site. I would have been able to sooner, but my mom always had a way of stopping me from going. She had always wanted me to be more like her and my siblings, so called normal people. Dont get me wrong she loves dad and me and is proud if him. But she always seemed disapointed when I  chose shovels and digging brushes and not dresses and blush.

We were almost at Merkel, the town of the dig site, it was an older region of iceland, lots of hills and valleys. I was thrilled, my siblings were not, and that was the reason my sister sabine was complaining. I was about to tell her that the dig site was around 500 years old but our mother stopped my thoughts.
"Alright that's enough, all three of you. Now I don't want to be here personally either but you don't hear me complaining about it. Now we're almost at the hotel, we'll unpack and then your father can work and the rest of us can go site seeing ," that perked my siblings up but I sank into seat.
"Mom, I want to go with dad to the dig site," she turned around in the passenger seat and gave me a look.
"Katana, we've talked about this." I groaned and slumped lower.

"But mom, I hate shopping and tourism. I wanna see the dig site, please please please !" I gave her puppy dog eyes and the puffy lip.

"Oh Samantha lighten up, she's 21 let her do what she wants ." I saw my father look away from the road and glance back at us.
"But Matt-" mom got cut off.
"Just let her go mom, she'll just drag us down with her negativity if we take her with us. She wants to go with dad just let her ," for once I thanked my sister for her love of shopping and my lack of.

My mother finally sighed and sat back in her seat, and I knew she up.
"Fine, but she has to be back by dinner at the hotel." I was bouncing in my seat, a huge smile on my face.
"Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you !!!!!" Finally I would help dad on a dig site !


"Katana take a break hon' ." I wiped the sweat off my brow and dusted off my knees.
"Kay dad ," I put my tools down and made my way to the main tent of the dig site.
I sat down next to one of my dad's co-workers Liam and grabbed a bottle of water. The water felt cool and refreshing, I hadn't realized how dry my throat had been until now.
"So how's your spot coming along Kat?" I looked at dad and nodded.
"The soil was compacted but I managed to get it off, I think I'll have the area clean by dinner ," my dad seemed impressed.
"Good job Kat," I smiled, happy at the praise.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the ground shook.
"What the hell was that ?" I rushed off to investigate before my father could tell me no.
The noise came from the northern end of the dig site where the dozers were. What I found when I got there was shocking. One of the dozers was half way in a huge casam like hole, the other workers were pulling the guy out.
"Holy shit !" I jumped my father somehow managed to get behind me without me knowing.
"Everyone alright ?!?" I watched my dad slide down towards the edge of the hole and check on the other workers.
It seemed that no one had gotten hurt, but it out the digging behind and it took two hours to get the dozers out of the ditch.
"Ok kat, it's getting late, your mother will have a fit if we don't get home soon ," I sighed.
"Ok, but just ... ten more minutes, I just want to clean up ok?" He smiled at me, and sighed.
"Alright, ten minutes but that's it ok ?" I smiled and nodded.
"Thanks daddy !" I kissed his cheek and watched him walk to the car, I  made a break for the hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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