Ch. 3 - Again

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Hi peoples! I'm sorry for not updating in a long time, but school's been really difficult, and I've had some personal issues, but this chapter's here now! Enjoy!

Zane's POV

It had been a very restless night. My girl had awoken MANY times during the night, and by the time I would fall asleep, she would wake up again. I'm pretty sure she got plenty of sleep though, even if it was very inconsistent. But now, she's been sleeping soundly, and I finally have peace............
I see Aph walk over to my window. She opens my curtains, revealing that it's broad daylight. "Come on! We've got no time to lose!" she says as she walks over to pick up my girl, who is apparently up now. "What exactly is 'baby shopping day'?" I ask, rubbing my blood-shot eyes. She says as she pulls out one of the very few outfits I have for my girl, "It's the day that I make everything girly, just like I said! You don't have much to be able to handle this handful. We need to get some baby supplies! Kawaii-Chan is coming too! I can always count on her to make things girly, and she's been DYING to see your girl ever since she heard she was here." I reply, "Well, I knew you wanted to make things girly, but I didn't know you meant NOW!" Aph rolls her eyes and says, "Oh, stop whining and get up! You'll love it!" And with that, she walked out, my girl babbling in her arms.


          We get out of the car into the cool, winter air. It started to snow lightly on our way to Babies 'R' Us. I was afraid that my girl was going to be too cold when we got out, considering that she doesn't have a winter coat yet, but she seems to be enjoying herself. As we approach the door, my girl continues to try to catch the snowflakes and put them on my face. So every few seconds, I would get a very tiny, cold hand on my cheek, and hear a very loud giggle. She enjoys my humiliation.

          The doors slide open, and I feel overwhelmed. How could you need so much stuff for such a tiny person??? Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan's faces immediately light up as they take it their surroundings as well. "There's so many options for the little one!" says Kawaii-Chan. "I know, KC," says Aph, "but we need to focus on the basics first: clothes, food, highchair, diapers, formula." Ok, that sounds simple enough. "And then we can get everything else?" asks Kawaii-Chan. Everything else? "Yes!" replies Aphmau. Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?

Skiiippp again

          Aph and KC were obsessing over some outfits for my girl, so I wandered off. They have her with them, so I have some time to think. More specifically, about what Aph said. Maybe I should name her. It would be good for her to be able to know her name. I have no idea how long she'll be with me. It might be years. If she only responds to 'my girl', then the concept of being called by a name might confuse her when she does have a family.
          I'm still not sure, but... maybe I should come up with some names... just in case. I continue to wander around the store looking for inspiration. (A/N, if any of these names are actually your name, just go along with the story plz) Lily? No, it's pretty, but not quite right. Diana? No, that's too formal-sounding for her. Sarah? Almost, but not quite.
          I make my way to the front of the store. I see through the glass doors that the snow had picked up, and it is beautiful. The snow is so pure and wonderful. The way it falls gently and lands so gracefully fills me with joy. The snow could be seen for miles without end. It filled the morning with beauty beyond compare. I had never took notice of how beautiful the snow was before.
          Suddenly, I hear a whisper, deep in my brain. (Y/N). It hits me like a wall of bricks. (Y/N) is such a perfect name. It flows right off my tongue as I whisper it to myself, "(Y/N)." It's just as beautiful as the snow outside. No, more beautiful. It's pure and wonderful just like the snow. It's the perfect representation of the beauty and grace that my girl possesses. My (Y/N). It's absolutely perfect.
          "ZANE-KUHN! WHERE ARE YOU???" I hear Kawaii-Chan yell. "OVER HERE!" I yell back.
          Within 5 seconds, I see Kawaii-Chan emerge from one of the rows, holding my gi-... (Y/N). KC is beaming as she shows me that (Y/N) is wearing a maid outfit, complete with a head band that has cat ears. KC says, a little too loudly, "Isn't she the cutest? Taking after Aunt KC." Kawaii-Chan taps her finger on (Y/N)'s nose, and they both giggle.
          I can't help but smirk like an idiot. It's cute, seeing them get along. What I don't understand is why I feel myself blushing a bit... Whatever.
Aphmau walks out of one of the isles, holding too many items to count. "Kawaii-Chan!" she says, "You were supposed to go get a cart!"
Kawaii-Chan and I laugh. "Let's just check out all this stuff, now that you're here," I say.
          As we walk to the register, I notice that (Y/N) has taken a real liking to Kawaii-Chan. She keeps petting KC's ears and tail very curiously.

Why am I blushing again?

Sorry for the kinda short chapter. I just wanted to update for you guys, and I'll try to be more active on here. Cya in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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