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I can't help but listen to Daniel as he hesitates to answer. He never wanted to be king. Just as I never want to be queen. If Christopher had lived then he'd be king right now but somehow the War's are being accused of destroying him.

Unfortunately, yes this is true. She is a War's and the War's are somehow responsible for Prince Christopher and his mate Sky's death their also responsible for the deaths of his younger brother Ty and his mate Scarlett but we have been unable to prove who it was that committed the final act. That does not mean I wish any harm to befall on Tracy. I will send word that she is to be protected should Peter find out before she tells him.

Well, uh, dad...  If, for some reason my mom gets hurt or killed I will kill whoever harms her. I'm just letting you know that right now. And I am strong enough to do it, just so you know.

Really? You think you're strong enough to take on the War's family if you have to?

I huff now knowing he is my father so now I can allow him to know my secret.

Doc can we have a moment alone. I need to speak with my father privately.

Absolutely princess, I'll leave these papers right here for you to take with you.

As he leaves I send private messages into my father's mind letting him know I can hear his mind then send imagines from home of me and my mother. His eyes widened with shock.

What was that?

That dear father is just a sample of my talents. I have many more, look.

I then let My chameleon go and reveal the rainbow of different colors in my hair. I then blink my eyes allowing them to show their natural colors shocking him.

Oh my. You are different. So you can do nearly everything then can't you?

I hear the doctor coming back so I quickly shift back but he opens the door just a little to quickly and catches a glimpse of me and freezes.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you we're still in here. I uh...

You need to come in and sit down for a minute. Yes you saw what you saw. I am different but no you can't tell anyone. You won't tell anyone will you?

He looks at my father then looks at me and smiles with a nod.

Nope. As far as I know you're just plain 'ol you. Just a normal winged vampett princess. Now, I have another patient waiting so if you don't need me I must be off but I would like to discuss your abilities one day if you wouldn't mind princess?

I agree as Daniel grabs my birth certificate signing it then stamping it causing a rumble then a sharp stabbing and burning pain sears into my wings but within seconds Destin was stabbing next to me pushing Daniel away and grabbing me.

What did you do to her?! I'll kill you if you've hurt her!

I can feel the pain he feels in his wings to but he's ignoring it to protect me. He thinks I've been attacked.

Destin, the papers.

I haven't harmed her son. I just claimed the child which is mine. I don't know what's wrong with her. She just fell and I'm trying to help her. How'd you get in here so fast?

Oh, I teleported. I do that sometimes. I felt her urgency and knew she was in pain so I came. I won't let anyone harm her. So this paper says you're her father? What's that one?

Daniel stands confused for a second then shakes his head until I stand letting my wings out revealing the newly improved W with new spikes on the tips like small daggers and small tan feathers layering the brim of my wings. Daniel smiles asking to touch them.

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now