Chapter 1

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"Okay Class, I expect everyone to do their homework today hear?" My teacher Ms. Lakes says. I do a silently burmp. Then, I let out a quiet sigh. My blonde hair waved in my face. So, I put it to the side.   Ms. Lakes sat down. And the bell rang.

Walking out in a hurry to get home. I pass my lockers. So, i decided to make a quick stop. I opened my locker and I heard a deep voice behind me. "So, quiet girl--" "Is that what you think of me?" I reply. "You're such a douche." I add. He pouts. (ALERT ALERT: FAKINGGG) I roll my tired eyes.

He jogs over to me. "Heyyy, don't go!" He drags out his sentence. "You're just here to see my sister." I reassure him. "Okay, maybe. But give her this note!" Liam gives me the paper. "Liam, no."

I run (Jog, actually) off. I needed to get home. And Liam was ruining it. I got into my IKEA.
As soon as I got home, my sister, Emma came up to me. "Hi!" She says cheering. I give her the death look. "Okay fine, I know I skipped school, but it was SO for a good reason!" Emma said in a "please forgive me I'm so sorry way". "I dont want to hear your excuse. Make me brownies." I snap. "Eek!" Emma squeaked so high, the birds were replaced. She gave me a hug. Yup, that's what a twin does.


I plop on my bed. And i curl up with.... with... well, my blanket. I can hear my mom, heels clicking up the stairs. (UGH, LAWYERS) She enters my room. My only thought.. *kill self now *. "Honey, so your home work. I know you have some. Later, when you're done, you can help me with stuff." My mom told me.

You've gotta be kidding me.
Hours passed. It was night time now. Emma had some friends over. So, I was upstairs in my room.

I got out the shower, and into my room, completely naked, with a towel on me.
I let my towel down.

"Heyy, now that's what I like to see." A Liam-voice sounded.

I turned around.

I screamed.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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