His Student (Interracial Young Adult Romance)

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 


Over the summer Naomi has a one-night stand with a stranger on a girl’s trip with her friends. At the time Naomi is just having a carefree moment instead of living life the way her parents want her. But once she gets back home and starts school she runs into the stranger she thought she never would again only to find out he’s her teacher.

Scott is on a guy’s trip with some friends trying to get over a break up when he meets a beautiful stranger. He ends up having a one-night stand with her only to later meet her again in his classroom where he is her teacher. 

What will become of Naomi and Scott when they meet again and can’t seem to stay away from each other? 

 (This story will be told in Naomi and Scott’s points of view.)

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