The end

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I was scared the weather, out of the blue, the menacing waves were tall enough to reach the top deck. I had to hide but I knew that wouldn't be any help. It was then that I knew what was about to happen. There were still survivors but not for long. I could hear girls screaming and crying I heard boys cursing at themselves and others there was nothing to do but wait till your body touched the water and be stranded nowhere close to la-- I was interrupted by a wave smashing into the boat making many fly of safety then another wave came then another then another it just on coming on and on.

I couldn't hold on anymore the waves kept on hitting and I was grabbing a pole yet I was almost on the water then a wave higher than a 10 story building came and covered the ship, by then I was in the water I was too frightened to swim but it was already too late, all I could see was dark blue. I saw the ship the lights shine but that was the last thing before I was covered in black there was no more to see, to think, it was The End.

I felt something by my arm. I thought it was a fish or some moss but that wasn't what surprised me. I could hear water and birds, I tried getting up to see if I was where I think I am but my body was so tired I wasn't giving up now. It was a miracle that I was still alive. My eyes couldn't open but that didn't stop me, I kept trying till I saw the light.The sun was blinding but I couldn't stay there to burn into a crisp. I started with moving my head side to side and was given the view of a sand beach as far as an eye could see then I started to move my hands and arms after I started to get up onto my leg.
As far as I could see there was only sand, behind me was a jungle, as I walked closer to it I felt a sudden chill down my spine then my body froze with trepidation as if someone or something was staring not only at me but very deeply into my soul. I stepped back almost tripping over rocks but landed onto my hands.
My heart raced although my hand was in pain, so much pain, I looked at my hand covered in rose red blood with glass poking out. It was to horrid to look at yet I had to pick out the glass. I didn't know a stranded island like this was infested with glass unless... someone was on the island. It was already getting late for me to explore so I quickly gathered sticks that were surrounding the outline of the forest whilst being very cautious, especially since I kept getting a chill near it. I had just made a fire and luckily I found a cave not too small to fit in and the fire was amazingly warm yet the mosquitos were the problem. There was just too many to fight in one night so I decided just to deal with it.

As Melany fell asleep I found materials to make a net to capture the mosquitoes and a blanket for her, after that I got her breakfast ready and left it in the cave near the fire, just to keep it warm for the morning. once I was finished I was settled to stay here for a while and make sure she was safe. I know she will find me soon I just wish she would know who I am.....

The spirit I once called 'sister!'Where stories live. Discover now