Chapter 2

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As Lauren and I exit the bathroom I se everyone staring at me while I walk slowly behind Lauren, "where is your class?" Lauren asked me but just as I was about to answer I was shoved into another locker by Brad. Before I could even blink Lauren had Brad up against the wall, "leave her alone Simpson and if you ever lay a hand on her again I will have your head!" Lauren growled and Ally come running over, "Oh my god Y/N/N are you okay?" My sister asked as a bit of blood trailed down my face, "yeah it's just the locker hit my head a bit to hard. I'll be fine can we please just go to class?" I asked and she nod, "be careful what you do next."

When Ally put her arm over my shoulder she started to lead me away from the violence that is away to happen if Brad so much as blinks, "did she hurt you Y/N/N?" Ally asked but the thing is Lauren didn't hurt me and I don't know why usually she would slap me a few times then yell at me for something that I didn't do but not today. "No she just told me to look her in the eyes then she relaxed and started to be nice to me," Ally looked at me then back to Lauren. "Fucking hell Jauregui!" Ally growled and her eyes lowly turned red and I gently backed away from my sister, "Ally?" Dinah my sisters mate said.

"Stay with my sister Dinah!" Ally ran after Lauren but of course Dinah made us go after Ally, "Dinah I can't run that fast please slow down." Dinah didn't listen she just picked me up and ran after Ally. When we saw Ally she tackled Lauren to the ground then growled, "What the hell when has Ally ever been this aggressive?" Dinah asked me but I just watched my sister confused, "admit it Jauregui you imprinted on her!" Ally growled and Lauren threw Ally off her. Ally turned into her wolf and growled at Lauren, "why would Ally care is Lauren imprinted on someone it's not like it's her problem." I told Dinah and watched as Lauren turned into her wolf, "Dinah? Y/N? What's going on? Why is Ally challenging Lauren?" I hear Normani ask.

"I don't know I think it's about Lauren imprinting on someone," I said and continued to watch Ally and Lauren circle each other. When they started to attack each other Ally got bitten and before she outdoor get another bite I shifted and ran in front of Ally. My wolf was a good 1 foot shorter then Ally's and Lauren's. I was prepared to take the blow for my sister but it never came so I opened my eyes to see Lauren back in her human form, "don't challenge me again Ally your sister won't be on your side forever."

Lauren walked away and Ally growled and shifted back, "why would you do that Y/N I had her!" Ally yelled at me in her Alpha voice making me whimper and get on my tummy and lay at her feet submitting to her still in wolf form. "For fuck sakes Y/N just leave run after Lauren and go fucking submit to her!" I get up and run after Lauren but before I could find her I was jumped on by a few Betas and an Alpha.

Big Bad AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon