Tour and a What?¿

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Your POV
Y/B/F just dropped you off back at your house. Niall has been at the recording studio and so she took you to the hospital. I have been having weird cravings and morning sickness. I knew what those could possibly mean but I wanted to be sure before I told him. Guess who's pregnant... I toss my purse in the island and I sit on the couch flipping through channels. I decide to watch a movie (your favorite movie). I hear the keys clang against the door and in walks Niall.
"Hello my beautiful girl!" He exclaims, I smile to my self feeling the butterflies erupt in my stomach. We've been married for 5 years and I still get butterflies. It's amazing the effect he has on me. I hear him toss his keys and he comes over and kisses me cheek.
"I have exciting news!" He gushed. You smile and nod. "So me and the boys have decided that we are going to go on another tour!" You smile slowly fades. "Aren't you excited?" He asks concerns.
"Of course it's just I have some news to..." my sentence fades away. "I think it's rather exciting but?" He stares in to my eyes patiently waiting. "Umm so I went to the hospital today, and I got some news... I'm pregnant!" I exclaim. "He breath stops, he furrows his eyebrows. You look at him concerned. "Aren't you excited? Where having a baby!" He still doesn't say anything.
"Why would this be good? Give me a good explanation! You know where going on tour. I can't have a baby. Maybe Louis could handle that but I can't. Where not even ready for a baby. Sure I want kids but not now!" He says all in one breath. His face bright red, from the lack of oxygen or anger I could not tell.
"Niall this isn't just my fault it takes two fricken people to make this happen. I just so happen to be the one that has to carry it. I am not going to abort it. THIS IS OUR CHILD!" I finish off yelling!
"THAT THING IN YOUR STOMACH WAS A MISTAKE!" Your eyes open wide and mouth gapes open. He did not just say what I think he just said. Tears brim my eyes. I stand up and walk out of the house. I wonder off to a coffee shop called Legends Coffee. I order my self just regular mocha and take a seat. I sigh and rub my temple. I slowly sip my coffee taking artsy photos of it and posting them to Instagram. It gets rather late. I start my descend home. I pull out my key and unlock the door. I walk in to smell my favorite dish cooking, rose pedals leading to the kitchen, the lights dimmed and candles spread out everywhere. You ponder on the thought of making a joke but decide against it because you weren't sure on what terms you and Niall were on. You slowly make your way to the kitchen only to see Niall pulling your favorite meal out of the oven. He sets it down and turns to you.
"Y/N what I said was totally out of line. When you told me I was just so excited about your, then you told me that news and I only thought of the bad stuff, like missing his/her first steps, or their first word. I hated the fact that I would have to leave you and the baby alone. He/she is not a mistake where we expecting it? No but I will love it so much. I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I know this only a small step to make up for it, but I am ready to become a father and I'm ready to become a parent with you, because there's no one else I would want to have and raise my child with." He grabs me by the waist gently and pulls me closely placing a gentle but passionate kiss on my lips. He pulls away "lets eat, yeah?" You smile and nod.

A/N aha guess who's been seriously slacking ok updating wattpad, me. Honestly I have been really busy, we just had testing and I'm under concussion protocol and I have soccer and life is super hectic. This was a request so I hope you enjoyed it! Hopefully I'll be updating more, but sort no promises! Good night or good morning or good afternoon!

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