Nothing is imPOSSIBLE

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"Nothing is impossible with God, when we just believe."

This story has also been posted in ImpossibleGod.

Someone told me about this story way back in college. Since then, this became one of my favorite stories.

There's this soldier who believes in God. He keeps on being bullied by his troops and most specially by their captain. They keep on humiliating him.

But that doesn't stop him from loving and serving his God. Day and night he read his bible and pray.

"Hey young man, why do you always read that book? What can you get from reading that?" Captain asked him.

Troops just keep laughing at him.

The soldier didn't respond he just gave them his smile and peacefully continue reading the bible.

One morning his troops including the captain decided to play a prank on him.

"Hey," their captain shouted. "Park that car here."

"I'm sorry captain, but I can't drive. I don't how to," the soldier responded.

"Then go ask your God. What's the use of always reading that damn book."

Then the captain throw the key to the soldier.

The whole troops are watching as the soldier takes the key and start walking towards the car. He went inside the car and pray.

Everyone is laughing at him. They keep on waiting and judging him on what he's doing.

"What now?!" the captain shouted.

The soldier inhaled and exhaled then put the key and he starts the car.

He then drives the car and parks it to the place he has been asked by their captain. He parks it so perfectly that he couldn't even believe he did.

He jumped out of the car and all of a sudden he saw the troops kneeling down including their captain.

The soldier asks curiously, "What's wrong?"

The captain went straight to the hood of the jeep showing him that it has no ENGINE.

The captain starts to cry.

"From now on we will start to serve your God," captain declared.

"This is the God I serve, THE GOD OF IMPOSSIBLE, the God who gives life to what does not exist," the man said proudly. "You may think there are things still impossible BUT WITH GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE."

"Don't be afraid, just believe."

MOGLOMजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें