Ch. 3/ Body Double

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Guilt, Innocence. Good, evil. Life, death. As the shadows around Riverdale deepened, the lines that separated these polar opposites blurred and distorted. "I'm guilty" Cheryl said in biology class. But of what?

Cheryl was just escorted out of biology class and taken to the principals office for questioning. We all sat there confused staring at the door or each other. I knew Cheryl didn't kill her brother, she would never hurt him, but I wanted to know what she was guilty of.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked with my hand up.

"Yes, but be quick" the teacher said without turning from the board. Truthfully I didn't need to use the bathroom I just wanted to see if I could talk to Cheryl. While walking in the hallway there was a herd of students by  the lockers in front of the office, I continued to walk and that's when I saw Archie.

"Hey Arch" I said as I walked my way up to him and stood beside him. He turned his head from the office to me.

"Hey Mel, why is Cheryl in there? I was about to tell them about me being there on July 4th and they left and came back with Cheryl" Archie told me

"Um Cheryl stood up in class and said she was guilty. So that probably was the wrong choice of words when your brother was murdered and you were the last to see him" I told him while we both turned to look at the office door open, Cheryl and her parents all walked out of the office.

Cheryl looks sad and scared while her parents looked plain angry. We all watched as Cheryl walked away with her parents, and considering I couldn't talk to her I was gonna go back to class.

"Well, I came here to see if I could talk to Cheryl but I guess nows not the best time. I'll talk to you later Arch." I told him as he said bye we both started walking away but I turned around.

"Wait, Arch. I'm proud of you, for going there to tell them about July 4th. I know you didn't get the chance to but I'm proud you still went" I told him giving him a genuine smile, one he returned. I walked back to class and when I opened the door everyone looked up from their paper.

"Just Mel. Not Cheryl" I said as I walked to my seat and sat down waiting for class to be over.

Once the bell rang and school was over I got my stuff from my locker and walked home. When I got to my house I saw my moms vehicle in the driveway, I wasn't to excited about it because she was probably sleeping anyway and working tonight. I opened the front door and saw something I haven't seen in awhile, my mom was in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey mom what's up?" I ask her setting my bag on the couch and walking to the kitchen

"Making us supper" she said opening the oven and pulling out lasagna

"Don't you work tonight?" I asked not believing my mom was actually at home instead of work

"No not tonight. I took the night off, granted I have to go early in the morning. I know I haven't been home but works been so busy and I want the best for you, I've been trying to get more days off to be with you but it's harder nowadays." My mom said sincerely

"It's okay mom, do what you have to do." I tell her smiling, I walked over to her and gave her a hug. For the rest of the night my mom and I just spent it talking to each other, we both decided on going to bed because we had to be up early for school and work. The next morning I woke up, got dressed, ate, and brushed my teeth, the normal start to my days. When I got to school I caught up to Betty and Veronica in the hallway.

"Hey guys, what's up" I ask them smiling

"Just heading to the student lounge, wanna come?" Veronica asked taking a sip of her coffee

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