ErLu One-Shot

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Lucy POV.

I enter the Fairy Tail Guildhall on a rainy day in Magnolia. I was walking to the Guild Hall when this storm appeared out of nowhere. I ran as fast as I could but I ended up getting soaked to the skin, man I'm cold. The Guild doesn't seem that busy as I walk up to the bar where Mira and Erza are talking.

"Hey Mira, you wouldn't happen to have a spare towel back there by any chance, would you?" I ask shaking.

"Lucy you're soaked, yeah I'll get you a towel right away," Mira says heads into the back room to fetch me a towel. I sit on the barstool next to Erza and shiver, Erza wraps her arms around me and rubs my shoulders attempting to warm me up.

"I didn't even notice it started to rain," Erza says distantly looking out of the main Guild doors. The touch of fingers on my skin feels electric and I blush hard, Mira steps out of the back room with two towels which I quickly grab.

"Thanks, Mira," I say as I gently shrug off Erza's hands to wrap one towel around myself and the other I use to wrap up my hair. "Thank you for trying to warm me up Erza, it was really kind of you," I say blushing.

"It's no problem, Lucy, I wouldn't want you to get sick from getting wet" She blushes at me slightly looking away.

"Aww, you two would make a cute couple" Mira giggles.

"WHAT!?!?!" Erza and I shout in perfect sync as I feel like my heart starts to race 100 miles an hour.

"See totally perfect... ok, you two I was only kidding" Mira laughs. Erza and I look at each and blush. "Or maybe I wasn't kidding" Mira smirks and goes back into the back room.

"Um she was kidding, right?" I ask Erza nervously.

"Err I can't actually tell" Erza answers me and we nervously laugh. To be honest I've had a crush on Erza ever since I met her when she broke the love spell Bora put on me, then saving me from him again when he tried to sell me as a slave and she also brought me here to the Fairy Tail Guild, where I've been a member ever since. Erza is so cool and strong plus she's gorgeous with big brown eyes and her long red hair, I'm totally freaking out internally right now.

"I'd wouldn't mind if she wasn't kidding," I say and Erza stares at me blankly as I blush completely red.

"Lucy what are you saying? Erza stutters blushing just as much as me.

"I'm asking you" I fidget on my stool "will you go on a date with me?" I ask her mumbling slightly. Erza takes my hand and looks me in the eye.

"uh um er Yes" she stutters a lot.

"Really?" I say excitedly and she nods still blushing. We both blush and smile at each other as I put my other hand over hers, the touch of her skin on mine makes my heart race even more.

Erza's POV.

"Really?" Lucy asks excitedly and I nod blushing, why do I feel so nervous about this? Lucy places her hand over mine and my heart starts to race. Would she be able to hear my heart beat through my armour? "I can't wait, when do you want to have the date?" Lucy asks fidgeting in her seat more. I must keep a cool head about this, I know Lucy is always saying how cool I am so I can't screw this up.

"How about tonight?" I say in a semi-serious tone as Lucy looks at me with surprise in her eyes.

"What? To-tonight?" she stumbles to say.

"Yes, tonight, you know the saying Lucy no time like the present" I smile at her and she nervously smiles back, then looks determined and surprised at the same time.

ErLu, A Erza x Lucy One-Shot Fic (Lemon Warning 18+)Where stories live. Discover now