Chapter 1 Off to London

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Today was the day. I am going to London! I can finally go to college and not only that but with my best friend, Eleanor. We have been friends for 4 years and I'm moving in with her in London. Your probably wondering, Eleanor Calder? Yup, Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend. El has told me a lot about the boys, and how their immature and funny. I can't wait to meet them! I just hope they like me...

I got to the airport and parked my car. Once I was inside, I went through security and sat down to wait for my flight. El was going to meet me at the airport.

"Flight 127 to London" I heard the almost robotic voice say through the speakers. I put my bags with the luggage and boarded the plane. I was hoping to get a window seat, I love looking out at the land below me, it's so beautiful. I put my carry on in the overhead compartment and sat in my seat. Thank god I didn't have to sit next to anyone.

And I spoke too soon... " Hey." Said a very handsome boy that sat in the seat next to me. "Hi." I said back, giving a slight wave. The plane has taken off and we were now heading to London! "I'm Jake." The handsome boy told me sticking his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand while saying "I'm Erin." He had brown hair and green eyes, very cute. He also had a British accent, so I'm guessing that he had visited America.

"So what are you going to London for?" He questioned. "I'm going to college in London, and I'm going to live with my friend." I answered him. "That's cool. What are you going to college for?" He asked yet another question. I'm guessing he wants to get to know me. "I'm going for photography. I've always wanted to be a photographer ever since I was little."

"So, I'm guessing you live in London? Because of your accent." I asked him. "Yeah, it have some family that lives in America and I visit then every two years." Jake said, in his very cut British accent. I've always loved accents, they amaze me. "You seem cool. We should hang out some time, yeah?" I stared at him for a second.

"Uhm... Your not one of those creepers are you...?" I asked him, just in case. He laughed loudly at my question. "No, no I just think we could become friends, you know so you know some people in London." He said after he stopped laughing. "Hey, better safe than sorry!" I told him, and he just end laughed some more.

"We should swap numbers." Jake stated while putting his hand out for my phone and I gave it to him, and he gave me his. I put my number in and gave it back to him, and he did the same. I yawned while getting comfy and started to let sleep take over me, after all it is 3 in the morning.


I woke up just as the plane touched the ground. I got my carry on bag and got off the plane, being suddenly hit with cold air. Wow, London isn't very warm. I was walking and when I looked up, I saw El standing a few feet away.

I ran up to her and hugged her as tight as I could. "I've missed you so much!" She told me when I pulled away. "I missed you too! So when do I get to meet your little boyfriend?" I questioned her as we walked out of the airport and towards her car. Once we got in and started leaving, she answered me. "Right after you unpack, we're going over to him and his and the boys flat." She said with her cute little accent.

Once we got to her apartment, we'll ours now, I dragged my bags through the doors and to the elevator. We got to her door and she opened it and walked in with one of my bags. I followed her in and gasped. This place is huge!!! Right when you walked in you saw the living room, with its big couch and TV. The kitchen was next to the living room, the next door over.

I followed her down a long hallway and when she stopped, I knew we were in front of my new room. "We'll this is your room, I hope you liked it. I got it painted your favorite colors." I walked into the room and once again gasped. It wasn't a huge room, but it was fairly big. The walls were blue and green, with a queen bed on the wall opposite of the door a bathroom, a walk in closet and a desk.

I finished unpacking and took a quick shower. I changed into a pair of jeans and a PINK sweatshirt. I went down the hallway and into the kitchen, where El is. "Okay so we will go over to the boys' apartment, and then you can meet them!" El said cheerfully. She's probably excited she gets to see her boyfriend because they just got done with their Take Me Home tour.

"Well the, let's go! Wait no, I'm hungry first I'm gonna eat!" El laughed at me and just shook her head. I went to the fridge and got out some cold pizza she has in it. Boy do I love food!

Once I was done eating we left the apartment, out of the building and to her car.we drove to the boys' house and when I saw the house, my jaw dropped to the ground. This place was 10 times bigger than my house back in America!! When I noticed El was already half way to the door, I got out and jogged up to her and we walked into the house together. When I saw what was happening I was shocked. El wasn't kidding when she said they were immature!

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