Chapter 1

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Ameera spoke to her manager as her brothers watched from several feet away. They weren't known as her brothers; they were her bodyguards. She was just getting into the modeling business. She had done exactly what she told her father she would do. She started going to a regular school, which she still went to on her down time. She had friends there. They didn't know what she was of course, but they knew she was a model, and they knew her bodyguards were in fact her brothers. She would never deny them as such.

She looked back at them and smiled. They both smiled back at her and she felt her manager shiver. She looked back at her manager, "Is there a problem Jim?"

"No...sometimes though it's a little eerie how they do things at the same time," her manager told her and raised an eyebrow at her when she chuckled lightly. He had short dirty blonde hair that looked darker with his dark brown eyes. His skin was tanned, like he spent a bit of time in a tanning salon. He was taller than most men, and at 6'1" he made her look 4'7" figure tiny. Anyone could tell he worked out sometimes, but it didn't show that he was a relentless body builder. "Sometimes I think I amuse you more than I do anything else." It was rather true. They both knew that Ameera could do things on her own without him being there. He was there for show and to do things while she was busy with more important matters. It just made it a little easier for her to manage everything else.

She had no more use for her family's money and for now had just set it aside for when it was needed once more. Now she spent the money that she had made, even though it wasn't a lot for now. She looked around and saw a few of her modeling friends. She smiled warmly and waved, her hand high over her head.

"Are you even listening to me, Kristy?" Jim said a little more firmly.

"I hear you, Jim and no, I don't have you around just for my amusement. You will never have to worry about that. You do your job and allow me to make nice with the other models and businesses that want me to model for them. I can't do all the arranging and making nice on my own you know. Especially, since I just started to sing a little here and there. Also, my brothers are my triplets. We all do things at the same time sometimes. I've met several twins and they all say they do it at one time or another. It's just something that we do, a connection we have. It's even scientifically proven you know, so honestly, I don't know what the big deal is. Christopher and Cristain are just here for me. They both went through a lot of training for them to be suitable bodyguards instead of people we don't even know," she stared at her manager. It was true. Human twins were said to have a connection with each other and even those that never met, had surprising similarities.

"True. I guess I just was never around twins for a long period. Two years isn't long enough to get used to it," Jim explained. He knew she took up for her brothers and he knew she would always believe them over anyone else. He never realized that it was more than the normal twin connection that kept her knowing and believing her brothers words over others. "Well, to get down to business. This is a magazine shoot. It's going to deal with the new summer clothes that are coming out in stores starting in May. After this we go downtown for a TV interview. They will ask you all kinds of questions so be ready for anything they might ask. Could have to do with your family. No one has ever gotten you to open up about them, so it's possible they might try."

Ameera just grinned, "They can ask me about anything. I don't have anything to hide." She knew she had a lot to hide, but none of it was ever anything she had to worry about coming to light in the human world. The only thing most of them had on their minds was if she was anorexic considering how small and frail she looked. She normally admitted to having been so before she was a model, they didn't need to know she was still doing it, but has been in treatment for it. She was slowly getting better, she would explain to them, and she would push through that it was never the right thing to do and that now she had wished she never done it. She would tell them that she was getting better with some help from her friends and all of America, she was gaining confidence in herself that allowed her to eat healthy and continue to get better.

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