Side character takeover!

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Group chat between Heena Taylor Alyse Presley Kristel Preston Zoey and Lilliana

Presley: Let us side characters take over for once!
Alyse: I know right!
Heena- I mean like 'pinkgirl buncha numbers' (Ally) CONSIDERS us main characters but were never put in anything!
Taylor: hey at least you have a main part in most plans but that's probably only because pinkgirl numbers (Ally) knows you read the story
Heena: At least I actually read the story I'm in!
Kristel: I've only been here for two chapters!
Preston: I'm sorry who are you?
Lilliana: At least you guys are the good guys!
Zoey: At least your still alive!
Kristel: why do we always just end up insulting each other?
Everyone: *shrugs shoulders*
Kristel: Plus we're not side characters! We're just special
Taylor: I like this new girl!

Group chat between Presley Preston and Zoey

Presley: I'm single and ready to mingle!
Preston: need help finding someone special?
Presley: Already found him
Zoey: Ohohoho snap!
Preston: oh really now?
Presley: Yeah! Let's hangout sometime!
Preston: You got it sweetie

Group chat between Heena Hendon and Preston

Heena: To think Presley and Preston would get together! Good and evil in love!
Hendon: Speaking of love you wanna go do something
Heena: Sure!
Hendon: My place or yours?
Heena:...we live together
Hendon: Oh your place?
Heena: of course babe
Preston: Ummmmmm next time have this in a private chat

Private chat between Andy and Alynn

Alynn: Andy iz cool as ice
Andy: Alynn's amazing
Alynn: Give me my phone back
Andy: Only if you give me mine!
Alynn: Your impossible!
Andy: I know

Private chat between Kristel and Gem

Gem: Can I have some pie?
Kristel: ♊️
Kristel: wut?

Group chat between Heena Gem and Kristel

Kristel: GEM IM SORRY!!!
Heena: Who are you again?
Kristel: Comic relief
Heena: Oh
Gem: I forgive you Kristel!
Kristel: REALLY!?
Gem: No
Kristel: 😭
Heena: That's cold

Andy and Alynn have joined the chat

Alynn: Did someone say cold? Because Andy iz cool as ice
Andy: I want my phone back! 😭

Group chat between Heena Ally and Abby

Heena: I think Kristel and Gem are having relationship issues
Abby: Yeah they got problems they gotta solve
Ally: I ship it! <3

Kristel and Gem have joined the chat

Gem: We are now in a relationship!
Heena: Wow...they solved that quickly
Gem: Yes we are
Kristel: Oh...ok
Ally: *dies of fangirlism*
Abby: Wait aren't you two related somehow?
Kristel: Haha no! He's from an entirely different cave!

Hailey has joined the chat

Hailey: Gonna try and ruin Kristel and Gem's relationship

Everyone has banned Hailey from the chat

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