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If you are reading this, warning!

If you have experienced mildly weirdness in your life and seen even weirder visions, leave this book! I repeat! Leave this book!

Enjoy your ignorance while you can, if you are still reading, then...well, prepare for doom.

Okay so let's get things straight. I am (Y/N) (L/N), heathen of Northwell High, weirdest child to walk on the surface of this planet. I am 15. Both my parents ditched me at a young age so I have been sent to hundreds of foster homes. All of them I had escaped. But then I was caught in Michigan, Detroit. So then I was sent to New York and then to this hellhole. Trust me when I say, this is the worst experience EVER!

Okay let's go back to the present I am walking to Math Class with Max, my goofy, limping best friend. I had met Max at the start of the year after getting kicked out of fifth school in the year. I defended him from a bunch of sluts and assholes. Since then I have been teaching him how to roast people and he now can roast people very casually. Yeah, I am an awesome Sensei.

Max is currently mumbling about something I couldn't make out.

"Hey Max what's on your mind?" I asked him while heaving my heavy-as-hell books

"Ey? Oh nothing," he replied bluntly.

I rose an eyebrow.

"Dude now I have to teach you how to lie?"

He turned red.

"No it's just...something,"

"Sure buddy".

We had arrived to the central room of headaches, misery and torture...math.

I sat in my regular seat with Max next to me. The math teacher, Ms. Caverly, glared at me as I sat down. She hated me, I hated her. Simple.

"The whore is staring at us," I whispered to Max. I looked him to see he was looking forward, his brown eyes filled with terror. I looked at where he was looking to see Ms. Caverly right in front of out desk.

"Would you like to announce your thoughts, (L/N)?"

I smirked at her.

"Yeah sure. Just telling him I saw a slug crossed with a dog and-OH! Look here! It's staring at me right now!"

Ms. Caverly's face went red.

"OUT!" She screeched, pointing a long, red, manicured nail to the door.

"With pleasure," I stated before shoving my hands to my jacket and walking out.

Ms.Caverly followed me out.

"Oh, (L/N), you don't know what kind of trouble you have gotten yourself into,"

She said to me.

I knew what she was talking about, Detention and probably getting expelled.

"So the usual," I said to her looking at her with a cocky smirk.

"Don't you try to hide the fact. I know what you are little witch!"

What I am? Human, apparently what she isn't?

Suddenly I heard a sizzling noise and right in front of me was a...empousa!

What? I like Greek and Roman Mythology, okay!

"DIE!" It screeched before advancing towards me. I ran through hallways and started sprinting while screaming for help. It's seemed as if no one heard nor see a teenage girl screaming out incoherent words while sprinting away from a flying monster. I took a sharp turn and out the school. The empousa was still after me and I was on the school gardens. Stupid move. I only get greeted by a large fence which was guarding my freedom. Stupid fences.

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