Chapter 1

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Finding out the truth the hard way

"I'm your twin sister."She confessed.

Those words that had so much meaning behind them changed my entire life on that fateful day. The day started out like any other, except for the small fact that normally I would be hanging out with my regular group of friends, but my now ex-boyfriend had recently broken up with me and like my other past relationships, I was hiding inside my cave, too terrified to go out into the light that had harmed me in the past. The ringing noise of my black HTC cellphone made my eyes snap over to the night stand that I had placed it on last night in my emotional state of mind. It had been ringing with denied phone calls and vibrating with unanswered text messages. I was ignoring the outside world completely and was suffering in my heart break. I wasn't ready to face the world just yet; I had been through so much already and needed a way to be stronger and to find where I went wrong.

Where did I go wrong? Why can't I hide and run from this pain I feel? Why do people take advantage of my caring heart? Why me? Am I really to blame?

A loud knocking on the front door disturbed me from my depressed thoughts. I didn't bother to move from my safety blankets. I faintly heard the click of the once locked door being opened and footsteps coming up the stairs after closing the door. I know for a fact that my mother wouldn't have knocked on the door first, instead she would barge through the door or at least use her key to get in. I knew almost instantly who was coming up the stairs just by the lift and fall of their feet.

The footsteps stilled at my bedroom door and I wondered briefly if I had barracked and locked my bedroom door in the mess that I was in last night. The sound of my bedroom door being pic locked tells me that I locked the door, surprisingly and that the person behind the door has been taught how to pic locks at a young age, just like I was. The door opens and feet angrily stomp over to the bed that I'm lying on. I feel the bed slump down and I peek my head out from under my blankets, my dark blue eyes connected with dark brown ones. I figured she would show up looking for me, she always has in the past.

"Why do you do this to yourself?"Angel questions me, looking worn out, as if this conversation was going to drain her very soul.

"It's not like I planned this every single time" I mumbled, feeling as if she was mothering me again, but all she ever was to me was a friend. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Really, you don't make the same mistake repeatedly, hoping and praying to whomever you believe in, that the result will be different in the end?!"She hissed back at me. "Newsflash, the world doesn't spin like that."

"I wouldn't expect you to understand my reasons for acting the way, I do at times. I never asked you to lecture me on making wrong decisions either. You aren't my mother." I snarled, my temper rising.

"I never said that I was, but someone has to watch over you. Someone has to make sure that you don't keep making the same mistake because honestly, you aren't going to get a different result."Angel answered back.

"I can do things on my own. I always have. Why bother to change my ways? Bad habits just don't die hard." I retort. "If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked my imaginary, fake sister."

"I am your sister." Angel confessed. My eyes widen in surprise and shock. I had known her my entire life. It just couldn't be true.

"How? My mom would have told me about having a sister." I say in shock.

"Our dead beat mother wouldn't have told you anything because she put me up for adoption straight after we were born. My parents aren't my birth parents and you are my twin sister. That's why I stick close to you and I know all your secrets. You don't need to run away anymore. You aren't alone."Angel replies. By the time she was done speaking, I had tears streaming down my face. I rushed forward into her arms and hugged her, sobbing hard.

"Is that really true?"I sobbed.

"It is and I'll always will be here for you no matter what."She promised.

That is the beginning to the story of how my life changed and how I found out that my birth sister was my best friend and I had known her all my life.

*Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. Should I continue with this story?*

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