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they were the perfect couple.

they'd always be seen together, laughing and smiling. everyone was jealous of what they had and longed for a relationship just like theirs.

they longed for someone to look at them the way he looked at her, or to comfort them when they didn't even know they needed comforting, like she did to him.

they were the 'it' couple.

that was until his father passed away.

he drowned his sorrows in alcohol, washing away all his emotions.
he also became abusive.

at first i couldn't possibly believe it. i thought it was a sick rumor spread by someone who was jealous of the love they shared.

then i saw the bruises.

big purple and black welts marked on her pale lifeless skin, poorly covered by concealer and long sleeves.

it was obvious she tried to hide them, but nothing could hide the look in her eyes. her once bright blue eyes were now dull and grey.

she was empty inside.

i gained the courage to ask her if she was okay, she just plastered on her best fake smile and acted liked everything was perfect, like she was fine.

she wasn't fine at all.

about a month after the abuse and fake smiles started, something changed.

she walked into school with no makeup on her face or bruises, no long sleeves and no fake smile.

no smile at all.

she looked terrible, worse than usual.

her expression was blank and emotionless, her bruises were bigger and darker than ever, she had freshly slit wrists, tears stains on her pale cheeks and dark bags hanging from her dull grey eyes.

she looked dead.

like a lifeless skeleton.

our principal went up to her and asked if she was okay, if everything at home was okay.

instead of her usual fake smiles and 'i'm fines' she just replied with,

'such is life'

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