How to prevent sibling rivalry

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I'm at the kitchen area table writing on my laptop computer while my 10 year old kid takes on and pins the six year old neighbor girl in the living room. When the kitchen area timer rings, the next round will be my 7 year old child against the eleven year old neighbor child.

To the casual onlooker I could look negligent, however I'm in fact quite conscious of every step. My laissez-faire style has actually developed from many hours invested observing such run-ins from a silently attentive eye in the back of my head. This group of kids has constantly displayed a hidden concern for each various other. They've made the benefit of holding wrestling matches. In spite of the many thumps, thuds and crashes, no one has actually ever been injured.

The big ones somehow manage their bodies so as not to injure the children. It is truly an amazing thing to witness ... I'm not sure how they do it. They're like young puppies. They feel where each person begins and stops, they sense the line in between play and abuse, and they actually do not want to cross it. They just desire and need to obtain physical in their play together.

We feel the desire to hurry in and protect the little ones. We set down all kinds of policies made to keep things safe-- no hitting, no pressing, sometimes even no name-calling (I'll deal with that one in another article). Children do not want to injure each other.

For instance, if one child grabs a toy that an additional child was currently making use of, the natural response will be to grab it back, press the offender away, and afterwards go back to playing. Rarely will the one who was making use of the toy put it down in order to pursue or penalize the offender. When met with this kind of resistance, and rarely will the offender persist more than when or two times.

This is because typically we ask the one who was violated to use his or her words to get the toy back. To take away a youngster's suitable and natural defense against an offense and substitute one that is usually ineffective leaves the child with no way to safeguard himself. At which point he ends up being an attracting victim, and as he is breached again and once more and not permitted to protect himself effectively he gets mad.

When my daughter was about a year old, I first observed this dynamic. She would just get a toy from her 3 year old brother's hand and flee. I had actually taught him that under no conditions was he to strike his sis. She totally ignored his civilized request that the toy be returned. So unless he came and got me and asked me to step in, he lost his toy!

It likewise made me the enforcer, and included me in virtually every one of their communications. When I got disturbed repetitively from whatever I was doing to be the toy authorities, I lost!

It didn't take long for me to see that this was just not going to work. I was annoyed from the continuous interruptions. My child daughter was well on her method to ending up being a bully. And coincidentally, right around that exact same time something unusual occurred to our hallway. It needs to have become a lot narrower, because all of a sudden it appeared difficult for them to pass each other in opposite directions without his elbow making contact with her chest and knocking her over. (and we question the roots of sibling rivalry).

I instructed him that he was enabled to take back whatever she got, making use of words accompanied by force if necessary. And he was also allowed to hold her arms down to her sides when she started attacking him. She discovered that there were unpleasant effects to getting and attacking.

A vital part to this technique is that the one who is applying their limits is not allowed to utilize any more force than is essential to stop the attack. If my son were to get the toy back and then chase her around the home hitting her over the head with it, I 'd need to step in.

When I encouraged this user-friendly balancing, conditions became very conducive to mercy. Anger did not build up to the level of a grudge. An infraction occurred, it was corrected, and they got right back to the business of playing, which was all they wanted to do in the first place.

We will use just exactly as much force as is necessary to safeguard ourselves and others from offense. And then as quickly as possible we'll get back to the company of living together as stewards of this planet.

I'm at the kitchen area table writing on my laptop while my ten year old child tackles and pins the six year old next-door neighbor lady in the living room. When the kitchen area timer rings, the next round will be my seven year old child versus the eleven year old neighbor kid. The huge ones somehow control their bodies so as not to harm the little ones. I first observed this dynamic when my daughter was about a year old. She would simply grab a toy out of her 3 year old brother's hand and run away.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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