A Day In The Life With Max

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"What do stars drink, anyhow?" Eliezer asked from the kitchen as he poured himself a glass of whiskey.

"Stars do not drink," Max said absentmindedly as she gazed beyond the patio doors.

"I see," Eliezer said as he walked into the living room and gingerly sat on the end of the couch opposite to Max. "I'm assuming stars don't sit too often, either?"

"We have no reason to," Max said, still looking out of the glass doors as she floated above the couch. "But I will make an effort to since it is apart of human customs." Max then frowned, and forced herself to drift downwards until she sat rigidly on the couch. Eliezer quickly began to drink.

"So...Max, isn't it?  You mind telling me a little about yourself? We should know some things about each other if you're going to be staying here.  For instance, we could discuss how long you intend to stay at my residence?" Eliezer said carefully.

"I have told you several times what I am- a star Eli.  I could not tell you about myself in the simplistic manner that you wish me to.  I have seen, created, and witnessed not only that of this dimension, but of other dimensions as well.  This is the first time in the many eons of my existence that I have been confined to such a pathetic state of being.  Because of this, I may be here a decade longer than I intended."

Eliezer choked on his whiskey. "A decade?!"

Max lifted her dress and examined her legs nonchalantly, tapping on her knees to test her reflexes. "That was all you chose to take away from my spiel?  How unfortunate it must be to understand so little."

Eliezer tried to tear his eyes away from Max's long, dark legs.  She isn't human.  She doesn't know what she's doing to me, she's not a real woman.

"For your information I happen to understand a lot!" he said finally. "What I don't understand is why you would be here for more than a decade?"

"Do you not know that a decade is only ten years?"

"Do you not know that you are not staying in this house for more than ten days?!"

"I know," Max said flatly.

Eliezer sighed. "Good."

"I also know that in the end, your opinion matters not."

Eliezer stiffened, and a small, empty smile spread across Max's face.  When he noticed that she hadn't blinked for a long period of time, he cleared his throat and stood up.

"Well, it's been quite a night, hasn't it Maxy?"


"Max, of course.  You see Max, I have to wake up early for work, but I haven't showered yet.  Once I shower, I'll be heading to bed, and...I suppose I will see you tomorrow?  Will you be comfortable sleeping on the couch?"

"I never sleep Eli, for my energy is everlasting."

"Yes, of course it is.  How silly of me...goodnight Max."

"Engage in an efficacious rest, Eli."


Eliezer exhaled heavily as he smoked his cigar, and stared at Max.  She had spent the night in his backyard, earnestly trying to communicate with the stars.  It was only when Eliezer came downstairs for his morning smoke session that Max decided to come back inside, and peer at Eliezer.  They remained that way for several minutes before Eliezer ground out his cigar, and stood.

"That was bizarre, to say the least," Eliezer said as he cleared his throat and reached for his suitcase. "Haven't you heard that it's impolite to stare?"

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