Ben's Back, Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(Destinee's POV)

As I followed Adheli downstairs, I wondered how many more members of the family there could be to meet. Apparently there was one more. 

Adheli ran to hug an young man named Ben, who had long, shaggy blonde hair and was dressed in a bloody green outfit that looked kind of like an elf. I had no idea who this guy could be, other than his name was Ben and he tensed as Adheli hugged him around the neck.

"Ben! Where the hell have you been?" she screamed at him. She stepped back and looked at him, beaming.

"I missed my best friend," she said finally after staring at his blank expression.

"I missed you too...I was on business," He said. His voice was deep and didn't seem to match him. I felt the air through the room grow cold. I could feel the others tense at his statement. The worst part about playing Death was the feelings. The emotions. I could literally feel the others' emotions and it hurt me. I strode over to Ben and placed a hand on his shoulder. I could feel the hick air suffocating me from his anger and desperation. 

"Ben, I am Destinee. I am the advocate of Death. I can feel your tension," I said slowly.

"Oh, Okay?" he said it in a way  that sounded like a question.

"Ben, I don't know you, but I know you're lying. Your "business' doesn't last four days. Where were you?" I asked firmly.

He glanced at the scythe bhind me and grimaced.

"Okay, I left for a while. I was upset, and I didn't want to come back, but I realized I was stupid," He said finally. The tension lifted some. The one I processed to be named "Masky" came in with chocalte cake in hand. He threw it as Ben, and Ben's face immediatley lightened. He chased after Masky and tackled him. As they wrestled, everyone began laughing and socializing again. It was hard for me to laugh, because I absorbed the moods from my surroundings. I had never been in a room fillied with killers that held so much love and brotherhood. I turned to Adheli and stared at her, as she laughed at Jack holding Jeff down and Sally tickling him with her blood-stained hands. I stared at the scene of a family, and for the first time since my death, I felt alive.


(Adheli's POV)

I stood in front of the mirror resting on me and Jeff's dresser and fiddled with my earrings. Jeff walked out of the bathroom and laid on our bed in his boxers. I stared myself down, taking in my short, silk nightgown and curly black hair faling to my shoulders. I stared at my stomach. I could feel something tossing and turning. I had no idea what I would be nervous about, but apparently I was. 

"Adheli?" Jeff said, sitting uppto look at me. I turned around to face him.


"Should we have kids?" He asked slowly, but his voice was serious and his brow was furrowed. I had never thought about this in a serious manner.

"Why? Do you want to?" I asked, walking to sit besides him. I could not believe he brought thisd up so casually.

"Yeah. Kind of," he said, turning his face towards the floor. 

"Well... How long have you been thinking about this?" I asked, genuinley curious.

"A few months... Since the first time we slept together..." He said. I could tell he was embarrased. 

"It's okay, I agree with you," I said quietly, my face getting hot. I  was blushing.

At that time, he reached over and kissed me hard, his breath speeding up with every second. His hands slid up my sides, and under my shirt, resting on the sides of my torso. I wrapped a hand in his hair and pulled him down on top of me. His hands explored me, as mine did him. 

After a while, that got boring, so we sped up.

Hours later, I lay on his chest, covered in sweat. I curled against his chest and breathedheavily, listening to his heartbeat slow down after speeding. I knew thst this was what made me happy, Not sex, laying here on his chest, listening to him breathe and fall asleep.

Soon, I too was asleep. I dreamed of Dhalia, right before I slipped into black.

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