Late for school

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"WAKE UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE!" My mom said as she tore off the blankets of my bed. I shivered.
"Mooommm!!" I said as I opened one eye as she left the room. I was wearing a Calvin Klein bra and undies. I got up and put on my cute slippers and house coat and went to the kitchen.
"Remember me and your father won't be home for the weekend, so go to your auntie Lanas house right after school."
"Sure.." I mumbled while pouring milk into my bowl of cereal. I quickly finished my cereal and ran to my room, shit I haft to be down the side walk in 5 minutes.
I changed quickly and shoved my lunch kit and binder in my bag and booked it down the sidewalk. My mom waved at the window, but me being unable to see her waving i kept running. Shit, shit, shit school starts in 3 minutes and I'm not even half way there. A busy road laid ahead of me, but it seemed like there where no cars are the moment, here's my chance. I looked left and right quickly no cars. I ran into the middle and across the other si- BAMB..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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