[15] Maids Are Made to Help You

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Lucy walked into her living room. There, she saw Natsu sitting on her couch, eating potato chips, and a blue cat eating fish on a pillow. However, they soon disappeared, as they were just a part of Lucy's imagination. Sadness and disappointment washed over Lucy.

"Princess, it's time to wake up."

Lucy opened her eyes in her bed and saw Vera standing over her. 

"Thank you, Vera," Lucy said awkwardly as she got out of the bed. "I'll, um, go get dressed now." She made her way to the bathroom as Vira blinked at her with a blank expression.

As Lucy tried to relax in her bath, she unfortunately relived what happened last night, after Lucy had said Vera's name wrong.

Lucy's eyes widened when she realized she had just gotten Vera's name wrong. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I meant Vera. I have no idea where Virgo came from. . . ." Lucy's voice trailed off when she realized that this was the person she had thought of on Wednesday in Art Class, when she was drawing the constellation of Virgo. How ironic. 

"It's alright, Princess," Vera replied when Lucy stopped talking. "My full name is Vera Go, so it is actually not so far from what I am used to."

"But still, I've never made a mistake like that with the others." In total, Lucy had eight other workers in the house for her own. She had never gotten any of their names wrong, and Jem and Minnie were twins. Then again, they were different genders, although that was not the point.

"Capri, go show Vera to her new room," her father said to Capri, who was standing behind Lucy. "And maybe introduce her to the others, while I stay here and talk to Lucy." 

Capri stepped up. "Of course, Mr. Heartfilia. Please follow me, Vera." As he left, he sent an apologetic glance at Lucy. Although he worked more for Lucy than for her father, he still had to consider her father's words as the final decision.

"He told you why I hired her for you?"

"He said you thought I wanted a personal maid. I suppose the rest can be up to interpretation."

"She will be making sure you do not interact with Dragneel or anybody else I forbid you to be with. If she catches you do something I told you not to do, she will be able to stop you."

Lucy nodded. "I understand, Father," she said through gritted teeth. Like hell she was going to let anyone stop her from doing what she wanted.

"Good." Her father turned to leave, but stopped, turning back. "And by the way," he added, "I wouldn't bother trying your cards if I were you. I was serious when I said I'd cut them off."

"And I was serious when I said I didn't care," Lucy replied without batting an eye. "And I was also serious when I said I would stay in Fairy Tail Prep."

At this, her father only coughed irritably before finally leaving, leaving Lucy alone with her vile thoughts against the man.

In the present, Lucy resumed her hate-thought against her father.

I don't even know why I'm staying in this stupid house, Lucy grumbled to herself. I should just take Capri and the others and make a run for it.

But you still love him, don't you?

Lucy scoffed at the sudden thought she had. 

Actually, she thought sincerely to herself, I don't think I'd cry if he died.

Yeah you will. I didn't think I would cry, either. And at first, I didn't. But then I realized how much he had cared for me after I had disappeared, and then the tears fell.

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