The Search

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I never imagined I could be this happy. I grinned widely as we rushed through the air, wind whistling through my hair. I have been this happy before, but I really felt like I was on top of the world.

          The car jerked, vibrated and leaned side to side as it zoomed on the track. This was the most exhilarating ride I had ever been on. After going on many roller coasters, this was definitely the best one.

          The car came to a halt and the bar lifted from our thighs. My pesky younger brother, Kyle, hopped out with me. He asked me if we could queue up and go on it again.

          “No, we have to get back to Mum and Dad at the meeting point,” I replied. We were about to turn around the corner to the restaurant when my phone sang out a tune. I pulled it out of my pocket to see that the battery was low. A text from my friend distracted me from Kyle begging me to move on but I wanted to text my friend back before the battery died completely.

After a few seconds, I realised that there was no more squeaky voice irritating me as I texted. I looked up and he wasn’t there. My little brother had run off on me.

          “Kyle!!!” I screamed desperately, straining my eyes from the evening sun to spot the red headed boy. Oh no! I thought, I hope he’s alright. I better find him before Mum and Dad kill me!

          Kyle wouldn’t know where my parents were; it was my job to remember the meeting point. So, I made my first move – to the other rides and amusements. Every time we would pass one, Kyle would plead and plead like a little puppy to go on them, and he’s used to getting his own way.

I checked the rollercoaster we had just been on. Nothing. After checking at least four other rides, I had no luck. He wouldn’t have gone too far, though. I

thought about ringing Dad to tell him, but no, I was determined to find him myself.

          Next – the restaurants. He’s a greedy chap and moaned at least five times that day about how hungry he was, even after his huge lunch. I had no luck again though; he wasn’t in any of them.

          I looked around, thinking of another place to look, but with a lack of water and my legs killing me, I sat down at the nearest seat. He would’ve been anywhere in the theme park by now. I dug my head into my hands to hide my tears from the strangers around me.

I took out my phone to call Mum and Dad to confess that I had lost Kyle. But now it was out of charge. Typical.

          I didn’t know where I was or what I was doing. I just decided to sit there and wait. To wait for something to happen.

          And that’s when it hit me. I cared so much for my little sibling that I had searched a quarter of the whole theme park and gotten myself lost. Even though I say I dislike him, I seem to actually love him a lot in my heart. I’m a great sister.

          After half an hour, someone I recognised sat beside me. Kyle! And Mum and Dad were with him too! I was wrong; he seemed to be the responsible one rather than me.

          “I’m sorry,” Kyle whispered.

          “No, Kyle, I’m sorry,” I cried. That turned his frown upside down. They all hugged me, and I nearly felt as happy as I had been on the ride.

          The sky was as black as coal as we drove back to the hotel. As I stared at the bright stars I finally drifted off.

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