Chapter 3: Kyoto Time

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A few months have passed and Freddy learned Japanese due to many rigorous things Korosensei created. Freddy can now speak in Japanese but writing is difficult, but she is developing quickly. The Filipina also developed her bond with the trio, Kayano, Karma, and Nagisa. It became a quartet of an innocent girl, delinquent boy, flamboyant genderless it, and feisty foreign girl.

"Neh~ Freddy-San, you know you love me! Just admit already," Karma's always teasing Freddy but she always has something to go back with.

"Pft, Karma, are you on drugs again? I admit, your period head is something I'd never forget, because your a stain in my memory." Nagisa laughed at her joke, nudging at Karma. Karma only smirked, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulder. Freddy quickly shook it off, not wanting a stain on her shirt.

"I'm gunna go get myself a drink before I get on the cart, be right back~" The group nodded as they continued conversations. Freddy pulled out her phone, texting Mimi. She never realized a dude was there till she collided with them. She fell on her butt, looking up to see the strawberry blonde boy with purple eyes.

"A-Ah! S-Sorry! I didn't mean to collide!" Freddy swiftly stood up, bowing repeatedly. The dude chuckled as he waved her off.

"It's fine! Don't worry! It's actually my fault," Freddy quickly calmed as she put a false smile on. The boy analyzed the girl and raised his eyebrow.

"You go to my school?" The girl giggled falsely as she nodded, trying to show cheeriness.

"Yes! I'm a new student, I'm a foreigner. I'm in E Class sadly, during the beginning of the year I couldn't speak or write Japanese. Now, I can speak Japanese but it's still a hassle to write kanji. Ah, I must go find my class, goodbye!" Freddy rushed away, ready to use her meeting with the boy to her advantage.

"Freddy-San, what took you so long? Where's your drink?" Freddy smiled at Nagisa and patted his head.

"I met a cute boy who I accidentally collided with. I didn't have time to go get a drink but I'll be fine." Karma seemed to hear the girl as he leaned toward the conversation. A bubble in Karma fizzled angrily. 'Who was talking with my pet?'

"How does he look??" Freddy falsely giggled, pretending to swoon over the cute boy.

"He had the most soft like strawberry hair, the most drawing purple eyes, his sharp jaw could cut me. Oh my gosh~ He was just adorable~" Karma had a vein pop out, knowing who this male was. Nagisa sweat dropped as he felt the deadly aura displayed from the red head boy. Kayano giggled at Freddy, seeing through her act. Kayano had to admit, she was a great actor for being an amateur.

"Meh~ I look better you know, aren't I handsome Freddy-Senpai?" Freddy looked at Karma in shock, 'When did he learn Tagalog?'

"What the hell? When did you learn how to speak Tagalog you period head?" Karma only chuckled as eh shrugged, laying his hands behind my head.

"I always have time on my hands you know, I'm not a corporation owner." Freddy sighed  as she laid back, plugging in her earphones, listening to Disney songs. Karma stared at the girl in adoration, but the girl didn't notice. She was to busy trying to put together assassination plans in her head. A smile appeared on Freddy's face as she remembered her friend, Mimi, is going to meet her in Kyoto. 'This girl's going to be a great asset if she joins E Class, hopefully she does.' A small smile found its way on Karma's face as he stared at her. 'Karma sure is head over heels for that girl, I wouldn't blame him though, she's pretty. I think the whole class likes her, she may not be from here but she's close family to many of us.' Nagisa smiled to himself until he noticed the yellow blob on the window.

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