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            It was a rough nights sleep, if he could even call it that. Most of the time was spent tossing and turning wondering why he cared what Kendall had said, why he took his anger out on Janelle, granted the sex was out of this world, and why he seemed not stop thinking about Janelle’s eyes.                 He needed to talk to her. But trying to not make it so obvious he turned over and grabbed his phone and quickly shot her a vague text.

                  Hey. Wanna come over?

                  He saw the small bubble seeing she was typing her response.

                  Not in town anymore. I told you I was only in LA for research on my next book.

                  He shot straight up on the bed and re-read the text. She was gone? After only two days? Well he had only known each other for two days, she could have been there the whole week, or month, or even months.

                  Oh. You never said when you were leaving. Hope you had safe travels.

                  He climbed out of bed not feeling the motivation to do anything but take a long shower and curling right back into bed. And with that being his only train of thought he did as his mind commanded.

As he walked to the shower he tripped over what looked like just a bolt of emerald green fabric and realized it was Janelle’s dress. Grabbing it off the floor and placing it nicely on his bed, he paid no mind to the rest of his own clothing that was strewn across the place. The heat of the shower did not shock him awake, and when it turned cold he still felt nothing. Climbing out with a towel wrapped around his waist he went back over to his bed and looked to see if he had any messages.

He was surprised to see several. A few from his band mates wondering if he was coming home for his birthday, scrolling he saw an unknown number and swiped to open it.

Sorry I bailed last night babe. I wasn’t feeling too hot. Must have been something I ate. I was gonna come by later to see if you wanted to grab lunch and maybe just hang out. Sound good?

He laughed at the message. A dark laugh he had never heard himself utter before. It was weird but he enjoyed it. Maybe he was becoming the ‘Heartless Heartthrob’ people had been pegging him to be. And with the evil laugh came the vindictive fury.

Honestly Kendall I could care less what happened to you. I want nothing to do with you. You got what you needed from me. A cheesy, loved up, British boy, who did nothing but treat you well. But you never wanted me or what I had to offer you. I am so done with this fake relationship you and your family have so deviously slipped me into and usually I would wish the best for someone I break up with but considering you broke up with me, and never cared in the first place I wish you absolutely nothing.

He closed out the window to shoot the boys a text telling them he would be on the next flight back to London and they all sent excited cheers and plans they had for the night. Tossing all of his things into the large duffle bag he had brought for the trip. He could not control the smile of freedom that was growing on his face. Putting Kendall in her place was something he never expected to do but he was sure glad he did. It made him feel alive. As alive as when he was with Janelle.

His phone beeped again, thinking it was either the boys or Kendall about to go off he unlocked the phone to see it was the girl who had just crossed his mind.

The travel was very safe. Moving back in with your grandma is not. The woman still treats me like I am ten.  

He was surprised that she was sharing something personal about her life. She had never done so before. It was nice that she was starting to feel comfortable enough with him to say such random everyday things. It was like they had now mutually agreed to an unspoken friendship.

Crystalline \\ h.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang