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Gerard Way fell in love with him the moment he saw him. His dark hair, his big smile, his brown eyes. He wasn't creepy watching him from his corner of the art room. He was simply admiring art. Gerard was a senior and he was a junior. He didn't find out the guy's name until the art teacher assigned the class to pick partners, and Gerard, as usual, was the only one without a partner. He had gotten up to tell the teacher that he was going to work alone, when he heard a nervous ahem. He looked over his shoulder to see him. The guy. The-- "Brendon Urie. Be my partner?" He held out a hand. Gerard grabbed the Brendon Urie Be My Partner's hand and shook, "Gerard Way. Absolutely."


Pete Wentz is in love with Mikey Way. And when the brother of the love of your life has a crush, you tell him! Pete Wentz also chugged three Gatorades before going to English, so he passes the art class on the way to the bathroom. He remembers that, on a whim, his close, dorky friend Brendon decided he's an artist and chose art for a class this year.

When he gets to the door, he peeks through the window to catch a glimpse of the artist in action. All he sees, though, is Mikey's older brother giving Brendon mushy eyes next to him. "Gerard Way likes Brendon Urie!" He yells, startling a janitor passing by.

"Your brother likes Brendon Urie!" He shout-whispers at Mikey when he gets back to class. "Excuse me?" "You heard me," Pete replies, "Walked past their class and he's totally all over Brendon with those huge cartoony heart eyes you see in--" "Cartoons?" Mikey finishes, giving Pete an amused smirk. Pete laughs, "Shut up, I'm excited.Your brother might have a happy night of sex before his high school days come to a close." Mikey looks up from his paper raises an eyebrow at Pete, "And since when did you become so concerned with my brother's sex life?" "I'm not, I'm just concerned with your brother's happiness. Sex makes people happy. We learned this personally when I made my business your sex life," Pete says and then winks. Mikey rolls his eyes and smiles before going back to his paper.


Mikey Way knows everybody. Gerard doesn't understand how, because he's generally a quiet person. When he asks, Mikey just answers, "Pete." Gerard accepts this, even though that raises the question, "Who?"

Along with knowing everybody, Mikey knows basically everything. Pete is apparently up in everyone's business and likes to ramble on to Mikey. As soon as they make it home, Mikey has Gerard pinned. "You like Brendon Urie?" Gerard blinks, "Excuse me?" Mikey laughs and shakes his head, "Oh, sorry, I was speaking Russian again. My bad. Here, let me try again, you like Brendon Urie?" Gerard scoffs, "No. Come on, where'd you hear that bullshit?" "Pete," Mikey answers. "I need to meet this Pete sometime," is all Gerard says as he kicks his shoes off by the door and shuffles away to his basement.


Frank Iero is Gerard Way's best friend. They've been through thick and thin. They dated quite briefly before deciding that friends-with-benefits was the way to go. Even so, they never lost their closeness. It's a friendship to be envied. So he notices when Gerard starts acting weird. They hang out after school quite a lot, whether it be the comic book store, the record store, or one of their houses. And anywhere they go, Gerard seems distracted and far off. On more than one occasion Frank has to shake Gerard back to the real world.

"All right dude, spill. Why are you acting so spacey?" Frank asks one day when him, Gerard, and Ray go to Gerard's house. By this time, autumn is officially upon them and they tracked mud and dead leaves into his room. His mom won't be happy. "I'm not spacey," Gerard answers after a bit. Ray laughs, accompanied by Frank's. Ray nudges Gerard, "Ha! Whatever. Lately you look like you're sending endless brain transmissions to the mothership." Gerard purses his lips, defeated. Frank nods, "Yep. So, cough it up." Gerard sighs and lays on the floor. "I could just call Mikey. He'd call Pete. Then I'd know everything. And you'd still be staring off into space like you're homesick." Ray nods, already pulling out his phone. Gerard sits up quickly from where he's laying on the floor and snatches Ray's phone out of his hand, "Fine! There's a guy in my art class that's beautiful and I want to have his children!"

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