Ten || Misha

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Misha pouted as he put down his phone.

This always happened when something good was going in his life.

He fucks it up.

Yes, Jared said that he was busy and Misha can respect that, but things like this always happens.

He makes friends and he shows them a side of himself that he is...ashamed of and as soon as they see it, they leave him and don't want to have anything to do with him.

Misha sighed, but started smiling when the black cat jumped up on to his lap. "Hey Castiel," he said softly, beginning to rub his head. "You still love me, don't cha?"

Castiel purred and looked up at him with bright blue eyes. He licked Misha's hand and curled up, quickly falling asleep.

Misha chuckled softly and kept petting Castiel. "Love you too buddy."

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