Dessert Girl- Art Contest

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aH omg I'm not okay

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aH omg I'm not okay

This must be the best thing I've ever drawn without a base

Okay maybe not

but the best one I've digitalized


Oh the dessert is mint ice cream(no chocolate chips) in a waffle cone

i love it so much


Also, a suggestion; you have a lot of talented artists joining your contests, ones that are out of our league(us being the not-as-talented-artists). If you divide those categories(expert and intermediate/beginner), self-rated unless you see unfit, and judge each division separately , then that'd make it a lot easier on the beginner artists.

Though, that could be quite a hassle, and tough on your part. If you want, I'd be glad to help, but I just want you to consider the idea; your choice with what you want to do.

That's all, hope you like my drawing! :3


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