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"Hey cowboy (Jackson)! You ready for the first day of school today" said Shannon Kelly
"Haha, did you just make that nickname" said Jackson Friar
"Can you just answer my question" said Shannon Kelly
"I just moved here this summer and I have only have one friend" said Jackson Friar
"Why don't you do a sport" said Shannon Kelly
"I don't think they have any sport I know how to do" said Jackson Friar 
"You know I can help you plus I am your only friend" said Shannon Kelly; shoving Jackson a little while waiting for the bus stop.

"Hey Shannon how's your big brother" ask the bus driver
"Hey Chuck, Brady is good. This boy here is Cowboy, he's just moved here durning the summer" said Shannon Kelly
"Name is Jackson Friar sir" said Jackson Friar
"Nice to meet you Jackson Friar" said Chuck
Shannon and Jackson sat next to each other.
"Why did you say sir at the end" said Shannon Kelly
"It's just something I say in Texas" said Jackson Friar
"Do you miss it" said Shannon Kelly
"Texas" said Jackson Friar
"Ya" said Shannon Kelly
"Ya sometimes" said Jackson Friar
"I would miss home all the time" said Shannon Kelly
"When I'm with you I don't because you remind me of one of my girl friends back home" said Jackson Friar
"Oh" said Shannon Kelly blushing
Bus stop at school!

"Well you ready" said Shannon Kelly
"What do you think" said Jackson Friar smiling
"Okay cowboy lets go" said Shannon Kelly

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