Chapter 1

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Deep in a dark alleyway sprawled a gang looking exhausted out of their wits. Among them was Corine, a young teen girl who became a fugitive at a young age. Her code name among the gang was Shadow and it suited her appropriately. When she steals, she uses her abilities of camouflage to blend in with the shadows. This allows her to be unknown let alone being wanted by the community. They don't even know Shadow ever existed. She was out of breath from their latest heist. She looked at a large burly man with lots of hair from head to toe.

 "Like an ape", she thought, "Guess that's why he's called Ape." Like Corine, Ape also had a code name and was the leader of the gang. He was clutching the Golden Tiger Eyes, their newfound treasure, the reason for the heist.

"Great job, guys!" Ape said. "This is going to last us weeks of fortune!".

 Instead of cheers, a guy shouted "It better be! We barely made out of there alive!". He had a beautiful mustache and had an Italian accent but they rarely heard it as he had long shed it but the name Luigi stuck. Why Luigi and not Mario was because he always wore green. 

Ape spun around and faced Luigi. "What did you say?!".

 "I said we barely made it out alive and it better buy me another life!"Luigi exclaimed. He was right though, this was about the worst heist they pulled and were extremely lucky to get out alive. Corine didn't say it aloud for fear of a fight in such a dangerous time when security was still searching for them.

Unfortunately, they could all see that the tension between Ape and Luigi was so thick that you could slice it with a knife.If someone didn't stop them soon, there would be big trouble. Suddenly, someone headbutted those two crying one word "Stop!". 

The peacemaker, Hip, was right  in the middle of those two, arms outstretched to prevent both Ape and Luigi near each other. "Don't you want to get out of here alive?! Security is still searching for us or did you forget?" Hip said, acting as the voice of reason. 

Ape and Luigi calmed down and looked away, each feeling slightly more ashamed than the other. After a long and heavy silence, Ape looked at all of them and said "What are you waiting for? Let's get out of here!".

With absolutely no hesitation, they all positioned themselves right and ran different directions to the hideout. Divide and conquer, as they say. As Corine ran to the hideout, she related the heist. One of their worst. It all started eight hours ago in the dingy little hideout. Ape came and held a meeting. "It's time to pull off another heist, guys. Today, the treasure is in the White House!" said Ape, almost a bit enthusiastically.

Everyone gasped! It was possibly the worst thing he ever asked them to do! "What treasure could possibly be that important?!"Corine asked.

 "The most important ever, Shadow as a client requested it for big bucks. That will last us long, ya know? Here's the picture," Ape said. He showed them the picture of the treasure. Amazing was an understatement. In fact, there were no words at all. The majestic tiger was made out of pure gold with the details amazingly accurate and beautiful. But it's eyes were the best of it all. They gleamed like sun, as red as a fire made obviously from ruby. Corine wondered how could anybody take a picture of it without going blind. 

"The Golden Tiger Eyes, that's what it's called," Ape said. "Now are you with me or not?". Everyone shouted "Yes!" so loud that it was a surprise that no one near the area even heard them. If they had known the consequences, they would have shook their heads but they didn't know until it was too late.

It took them a lot time to plan the heist and this one was covered with  worry and plenty of arguments but after a few hours of meticulous planning, they started the operation. Coincidentally, the White House was hosting a party inviting all the important guests. The Mayor had received the Golden Tiger Eyes from Japan and it was a splendid addition on the important day, his daughter's birthday. 

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