Chapter 23

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Corine's life flashed before her eyes. She had seen her past, present and distinctly the future.

Corine saw it all. The sword destroyed. The world falling apart. Creatures... indescribable creatures out to lash out this godforsaken world. And no... the worst of it all... It was hard to describe. Impossible. But one thing's for sure.

If she dies now, the world will die with her.

And for the sake of Ape, Lulu, Dean,...


No she will not die!

But resistance is futile.

And the knife has gone down.

Goodbye world, for all that remains now.





'Why haven't I die?'

'Wasn't Reggie so glad to torture me that surely he will kill me?'

Corine opened her eyes...

And saw Reggie looked stunned, his face pale, falling down.

A knife was protruded on his back, blood coloring his white shirt, making a crimson red.

And behind him was... were...

Dean and Riddle.

Apparently by angle and distance, it's more likely Riddle who threw the knife while Dean rushed to her, untying the bonds and uttered, "Alright?"

That was a stupid question but in this situation, there was nothing else to say but Corine said nothing or did anything. Riddle just advanced toward Corine and helped Dean released her and then helped Corine get up.

"Stealth and Buff are getting rid off the guards to the exit and Ape and Lulu are at the rendezvous point. Hip's standing guard out there while we came to fetch you," Dean gave the rundown.

"How did you escape?" Corine muttered.

Riddle smiled and explained.


Where... where am I?

I'm in a dark room. To my right under the dim light, I see Lulu, Ape and the rest. To my left, Dean.

But... where was Corine?

I couldn't see her. I need to find her.

There's no one here that I couldn't see.

So, I freed myself.

To be landed in ginormous arms.

"OI! Where do you think you are going, eh?"

I just try to fight the brute but no such luck. They were too strong when...


Someone hit that brute with a big bruise on his head and when I looked up, I saw it was none other than...


We don't see eye to eye but there were times where we band together to save one person, Corine.

Dean had already cut the rest free and thank the God that brute's the only one here.

"Me and Dean will find Corine while Buff and Stealth get rid of the guards. Ape and Lulu will keep watch from Hip to disable the cameras when you find that room. Got it?" I said.

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