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I was falling in love with my fake life. I almost forgot that he was coming after me. Sitting in geometry next to my best friend Karra, really made me forget. She was shy but i guess i brought her fun side out. There was Mason the guy i liked. He was cute and charming, but sometimes I forced myself to like him. This was because I was in love with Danon Gopez. Formally my best guy friend. He sat behind me and laughed as jokes were being told.
My teacher was teaching us about sin,cos, and tan. Not my favorite subject. "Aye,Lee. Scoot back!" Danon was talking to me. Always talking during class, but because i loved him, i scooted back. "Do you like fried chicken?" It was Danon way of being racist. We always joked around with it. "Yes! Danon, stop being...racist."

His eyes grew huge and he smiled "I'm not. I love you Lee, i would never." He kid but I wish he was serious about loving me. It's not that he was lying....he loved me. Not like he loved Alyira though. "Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to listen to her teach,"Karra had spoken. Like I said shy and i may have forgot to mention she was a total nerd. I loved her be honest.
"Karra, your talking now, so can you shut up?"
"Since your having a hard time shutting your mouth,maybe we can get Mason to do it for you."
She smiled knowing he heard her. I sank in my seat and turned to Mason half smiling. His face was red and he looked down, letting a piece of his ginger hair fall above his eyes. He looked up and winked and smiled. Danon saw this and pulled his eyes to meet mine. Its really confusing what me and Danon have. Danon had confessed he liked me in 8th grade and 9th grade but I was always talking to someone else or didn't seem interested. If i would've said something then maybe he love me like he loves Alyira.

"Excuse me class! I'm trying to teach."
The class in unison apologizes saying "Sorry Mrs.Bermoon."

I laughed and looked at Mason, then Danon and my best friend Karra.
Then it happened!
BOOM! Everything moved so fast. The door hit the floor and dust flew up. The classmates of mine turned their heads. 7 men walked with balck suits and guns. Everyone was confused and there faces looked as if they were baby who got a cookie robbed from them.
"I'm calling the police",Mrs.Bermoon panicked and ran to the phone by her desk. The next we know she was on the floor with a bullet in her throat.

Most were crying. I hid behind Danons arms as the boy i had been running from, came to the front. Derek Willsby. His arms were muscular and his hair twisted at the top. African american skin.It was glowing with the suns reflection on him. He starred at me with his hudson eyes. I once did love him. "Get her", he motioned his gun at me and 3 men came towards me and shoved Danon out of the way. I guess i should find myself flattered that Derek needed 3 guys to hold me down. So he remembers i can fight. My hair fell in front of my nose and my arms feeling weak. I huffed as we all stood in this brown dull room. How did he find me? Truth be told derek and his "friends" are wanted. He's crazy!

Derek is obessed with me. The back story is completely dumb,but one day me and Derek got into a fight. He was abusive and harsh. He was constantly beating me. I defended myself and fired a gun. I missed and shot his mother as she walked in. Over time he said he forgave me and we stayed together. Me and my three sisters had been poor taking care of oursleves. Our mother was taking from us and killed. Like a lot of other parents in our town. As an apology i joined Derek's group that was for the poor. He used the temptation that i had no money to reel me in.
This group is called The Kill Pac". A man called and told us were to find a person ge wanted dead. He called, we kill and we get paid. Once you joined you cant leave. The only way to leave is death! Derek became abusive again and i told him I wanted to leave. He said he loved me and of i tried to leave "The Pac" would find me and kill anyways. They couldn't take any chances for snitches. I left with my two sisters. I explained everything to them and we were gone.
"The Kill Pac" has been hunting us for three years and thats how i got here.

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