:: Chapter 13::

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A/N: Please make sure you read the authors note in the previous chapter. DON'T NOT READ IT. IT'S SUPER IMPORTANT.

"You're late again Siddhi." The coach scolded her. "How many times do I have to tell you-"

Siddhi glanced down at her electric blue Nikes, pretending to be sorry, but to be honest - she couldn't care less. It's not like she had been delayed by hours, it was only a matter of three minutes. Yes. Three minutes and her coach had gotten this mad. As she continued to listen to her coach ramble about how punctuality leads to success she felt a presence beside her. Her eyes moved from her Nikes to his green ones. Just above his ankle, she noticed the tiniest scar. Wanting to get a peek at his face, but her coach didn't want that happening.

"Siddhi! Are you even listening?! Look at me!"

She flinched a little at how harshly he had called her. She looked up at him. "Sorry coach."

"This is of no use." He mumbled under his breath. "20 laps around the pool as punishment, then go change." He instructed.

Siddhi nodded and obediently began running. All she could think of was the new boys face. If he had such attractive feet he was bound to have a good face in her opinion. She tried peeking at him in between her laps but nevertheless all she could get a view of his well built back. She'd have to settle with that. For now at least.


"Children, we have a new student joining us." The teacher started. "Make him feel comfortable here. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

And much to Pranav's surprise, Siddharth strolled into class looking confident as ever. "Hey guys, my name is Siddharth. I'm a transfer student and I'll be studying with you from today. Nice to meet you!"

'Ugh. So cheerful and so early in the morning that too. Sid is probably the only person alive that I know who acts like that at like 9:00!' Pranav thought.

"Thank you, Siddharth for that wonderful introduction. You can take a seat wherever you please." the teacher said.

Siddharth then walked to where Pranav was sitting and sat in the seat right behind him. Ideally, he'd want to sit with Pranav, but he was sitting next to Latika, so... he settled for the next best thing.

When the classes got shuffled, both Pranav and Latika were left with no one they knew well in their class and everyone already had their own friends, that was when they decided to sit next to each other and over time, Latika had become rather close friends with Pranav as well the other boys. 

"Oye!" Pranav whisper-yelled at Siddharth as he flicked the former in the back of his head. "What happened?" Latika asked turning around out of curiosity.

"Pranav! Latika! Stop traumatising the new kid on his first day!" The teacher yelled.

Both of them turned to the blackboard in record time. No one pissed off Ms. Poorna unless you wanted to get roasted in front of the class. It was rather sad that we got stuck with her after the shuffling of classes.

Once Mrs. Poorna shifted her attention back to the attendance register, Latika turned to Pranav and asked, "So, how do you know the new guy, Siddharth was it?" 

"He used to live in the same community as me and then this dumb piece of shit moved out, and then I was lonely. And yeah, it's Siddharth." Siddharth answered from behind them, indicating that he was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Ah. I see. Nice to meet you." By now, it was evident that Latika found Siddharth attractive and had turned around to examine him better.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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