Hoseok || It All Started with a Prank

526 24 13

Genre: Fluff Fluff Fluffiness

Quick Summary: You need a way of confessing your feelings to your best friend and decide to do so through a prank. Subtle but gets to the point...hopefully...

Length: 3k

- Edited - 

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You were crushing so hard on your best friend - the ball of sunshine named Jung Hoseok or J-hope as he likes to be called by those that he's close to, especially you. However, you prefer calling him 'Hobi' because 1 - you think it's a cuter nickname, and 2 - it's very similar to 'Hubby'. You like to drop ever so subtle signs that indicated your liking towards him, but in spite of your countless attempts, he just. Didn't. Get. The. Hint!

"I think you're being too obvious Noona." Jungkook mused as he sipped on his caramel macchiato before sighing in bliss. While he was enjoying his beverage, you were a grumbling mess that only blew over your own in an attempt to cool it down one too many times.

"Too obvious?!" you stressed, keeping your voice low in respect of the other people at the cafe you were in, "He wouldn't know I liked him if I slapped him in the face, kissed where I hit him and then shout 'I LOVE YOU HOSEOK!'" the younger male laughed an unintentionally melodious laugh, turning several heads towards your table - who were mostly female -, which made you quietly beg him to lower his voice, not liking the attention as those same eyes became daggers and began stabbing you with jealousy.

"Hyung is pretty oblivious isn't he?"

"You think?" you mused sarcastically.

"Don't worry noona, one day, I'm sure that his eyes will open up to one of your 'clues'," you sighed but smiled at his encouragement.

"Thanks, Kookie." he cringed.

"Don't call me that, please, noona." he whined as you laughed, no longer caring about the people that directed their attention towards you.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you wanted to feel like a man, Jungkookie."

"That's even worse!"

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"So...you're going to confess..through a prank?..." Jungkook asked in a judging manner, his brow raised. The two of you had just got back from the cafe and were hanging out at your place. Today, you both swore you'd dedicate your time to each other as you both had problems where the other could offer advice on: you with your love life, and him with his struggle in achieving passing grades.

"Hey, it's subtle and gets the message across." it was hitting two birds with one stone, as people would sometimes say. You grinned and was about to commence the planned prank if it weren't for Jungkook grabbing a hold of your wrist.

"If he doesn't catch onto this being a prank by the end, you have to confess, alright?" his suggestion was a push..a really big push but what were you going to do? You have to risk something in order to get to where you want to be.

"Alright.." you agreed with baited breath.

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