Chapter 7

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After I left school, I went to Louis and Harry's place. I needed my keys before I went home and had to ask Josh's... friend? Boyfriend?... to open the door. I knocked on their door and waited for an answer. I heard a slight groan that I easily knew was Louis.

"One second." Louis said from the other side of the door. I waited patiently for him to open the door. A minute later, I heard fumbling and giggles from the opposite side. Harry opened the door, hastily putting a shirt on.

"Hey Niall." Harry said, smiling. 

"Hey, Harry." I said.

"What's up?" 

"Nothing much, just came by to get my keys. I forgot them here. Can I come in?" I asked.

"NO!" Harry yelled, worriedly. I gave him a confused stare and he responded with a smile. "I mean just give me a second to tidy up a bit." He slammed the door in my face and I heard his fast footsteps. Something was going on. I opened the door-only because he didn't lock it- and walked in.

To my surprise,-and a very shocking one- Harry was yanking a half-naked Louis down the hall. Before he pushed Louis into the room, Louis kissed him on the lips. They stood there in a mini tongue battle before seperating.

"Put on some clothes. I don't want Niall to know about us just yet." Harry kissed Louis quickly and Louis smiled.

Without them noticing, I walked backwards into the hall. I closed the door quietly and stood at the opposite side of the hall, facing the door. Harry came back moments later, a smug look on his face. That all changed when he looked at me.

"Niall, you okay?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me onto my feet. He pulled me inside and sat m on the couch.

"What happened?"

"I'd like to ask you the same thing." I said. Harry looked a little confused.

"Niall, are you okay? You're starting to freak me out."

"I'm fine-more or less. How about you? Got anything to confess." I said. If he doesn't tell me, I will literally wring his neck. Harry stood up and walked around the couch.

"What do you mean by 'confess'?" Harry asked. He was twirling his fingers in his hair.

"Oh, I don't know. Let's start with the fact that I was here last night and Louis didn't want one thing to do with you. And now, you two are kissing like your lives depended on it."

"How did you-?"

"Harry I've known you since you were younger. If there's one thing I know about you, it's that you always scream 'no' when you're hiding something." I smirked. "And I walked into the house because I wanted to know. I turn my head and there you are, snogging Mr. Tomlinson."

"So you know?" said Louis from behind. I turned around to find him in sweats and no shirt.

"Wasn't that hard to find out. But what pisses me off the most is that you were going to keep it from me." I said, cocking my head to the side. 

"We were going to tell you, just not right away." Louis said, wrapping an arm around Harry. 

"Whatever, I can't be mad at you two. I'm just happy everything is better." I said. I wrapped my arms around Harry and Louis and pulled them into  tight embrace.

"Well, since that's out of the way. Would you like to stay and watch some movies?" Louis asked. I was about to decline and say I wanted to go hom but then I remembered that Josh and Mr. What's-His-Name are probably going to be making out and being all couple-y. I pushed the thoughts aside and nodded.

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