Some Scars Never Heal

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 Hello, everybody. This is just a simple one shot featuring FloraXHelia, MuRi and Timmy scenes. I'm currently rewatching s3 and I came across the eps after Tecna's death and I thought 'I need to write a fic about this, it's so perfect'. So, here it is. I tried to include a few things from the episode while adding in my own twists.

Now happy reading, everyone! Hope you enjoy this tragically beautiful fic.

It was a beautiful night, the cloudless sky was filled with shining stars and the weather was pleasant. But not everyone was relishing in such a wonderful night. In the forest outside of Alfea, school for fairies, a group of friends found themselves drowning in sadness. Not even the breeze that prevented the warmness of the day from becoming unbearable could make them see this night as anything but terrible.

Perhaps heartbreaking would be the right word to describe that night. Because they were broken, more than they ever thought was possible. Their lives had been no short on pain and near deaths experiences, but this was different. This time, it wasn't just a scare, it was real. Death had arrived and it had taken someone they all cared about and loved. It was more than they could bare.

The victim was Tecna, fairy of technology. She had selflessly made a sacrifice to save them all and the consequence was that they had lost her. Her friends had watched as she fell into a portal to a place where no one could survive, where death ruled. She was gone forever and nothing could change that.

"No! You're lying!" Timmy, her boyfriend, yelled while shaking his head. The Winx had just told him of Tecna's death and, as expected, he was in denial.

"Timmy, I am so sorry. We tried to save her, but it was too late." Musa told him while tears streamed down her face. The other girls were crying just as hard, except for one.

"This is so unbelievable." Bloom said through tears and she missed her own boyfriend and wished that he was there to comfort her.

"We'll never forget her, she'll always be a part of us." Stella said while Brandon embraced her tightly.

"Never. Tecna was a great fairy, selfless and brave. And we won't let her sacrifice be in vain." Aisha said with a fire in her eyes, the only Winx who wasn't so shaken by her friend's death because her heart was focused on the anger she felt for the one responsible for it.

"Of course not. I'll destroy Valtor for this, even if it's the last thing I do." Flora said and they looked at the usually calm, sweet and gentle nature fairy. She wasn't crying like the others, she couldn't bring herself to do so. Sometimes when your heart is so filled with pain and sadness, you find yourself unable to shed a single tear or sometimes even talk. And that's how she felt.

"You can't be serious!" Stella told her with disbelief, but she made no signs to deny what she had said. Instead, she fell silent, eyes vaguely looking ahead of her like she couldn't see anything anymore. Her strange behavior worried them and, most of all, it worried Helia.

"Flora, perhaps you should sit down." He unsurely and gently told her while mentioning to a small bench nearby. She shook her head simply, still silent.

"I know how you're feeling, I've someone I loved too. But going after Valtor is not the right answer, Tecna herself would tell you that it's illogical and stupid." Brandon told her and Aisha and Musa immediately shook their heads.

"No, as surprising as it is to hear Flora say it, she's right. Valtor is responsible for Tecna's death and he should be punished." Musa said firmly and Riven gave her a look that was a mix between sadness and despair.

"We should break into Cloud Tower tonight, he'll never see it coming." Aisha added fiercely and Bloom shook her head.

"No." The fairy of the dragon flame said firmly and continued before anyone could argue. "I agree with you, we should take our revenge against Valtor. But not tonight, right now we need to tell Ms. Faragonda and her parents." Her tone left no space for

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