Valentines Day (A Shoey One Shot)

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It started when I woke up this morning. The ache in my chest that could only be medicated by the end of tonight with tissues and romance cliches. Valentines is the supposed day of love. Every year this happens. Every year I watch everyone prance around with intertwined fingers eight foot teddy bears and blood red roses while I choke on sobs and drown in tissues and tears on my couch.

This day is supposed to make me feel like a princess while my prince pampers me and holds me close. Who the fuck wants to alone on the official day of love. Valentines Day shouldn't even exist really. It causes more broken hearts than it can heal. I couldn't stop the salty tears mixing with the cold water in the shower today.

It doesn't help with all the cute couples and their expensive presents taunting me while I walked to school. While I walked I heard a light crunch under my foot. When I bent over to pick it up I noticed it was a withering rose. I looked at the rose I could see myself. Waiting to be picked up and nurtured. I didn't know I could compare myself to a flower. Never have I ever felt like as much of a poof as I do now.

"Tehehe." As I looked up to see where the giggling was coming from right away my head snapped back down looking at the dry rose in my hand using the pads of my thumbs to caress the thorns. The thorns that have grown on my heart. What I saw when I looked up was a dark haired boy carrying a small brunette boy in his arms bride style while the brunette giggled holding a heart shaped box of chocolates and a teddy bear I'm pretty sure was bigger than him.

It hurt to see that. What I would kill to feel like that. Even if was just for one day. Even if it was fake love. I don't care if its real love, I just wanna feel love. Sure I'm used to being abandoned every Valentines day but it doesn't help soften the blow of being unwanted.

I'm happy for the two though. No one should feel the way I do right now. Unwanted useless and ugly. As I approached my school all I saw was cutesy cliche sweet couples having the time of their lives just being in each others presence. Oh how green with envy I am.

The sickness in my throat was growing bigger by the second. I ran to the bathroom and sat in a stall thinking I was going to release my pain into the toilet but it surprised me when tears fell from my heated face instead. I couldn't controll the tiny sniffles and coughing coming from my body.

After a good ten minutes of crying I wiped away my tears and glued on a painful smile that I knew couldn't even fool the death blind and dumb. But I couldn't let people see how soft I was. Its not like anyone would notice anyways. I don't exist.

The bell had long ago rung. While I staggered into my 1st period class my mind raced. How many couples would I see today. When I say my heart hurt i wasn't just being dramatic. I could feel the thump of my heart beating through my chest.

As 3rd period rolled by it was getting harder to stand. The drop in my stomach bottoming to about a mile. Why do I have to be so useless. Thinking of it made my eyes water so I used the overly large paws of my big sweater before anyone could see my tears. Later I thought. Later I would be able to curl up on my couch and cry until my eyes went dry.

After all it is cry day Friday.

By the time it was lunch I was sitting out on the field with my tray under the bleachers watching the cheerleaders practice. Since I was free to cry The tears rolled hotly down my cheeks as I bit into my damp with tears sand witch slowly. I was more of gnawing of the sand witch with my gums than chewing when I hear a light "ahem".

Before turning around I wiped my tears. It was no help because they were instantly replaced so I turned around looking up at a gorgeous boy standing over me. He was wearing black skinny jeans and converse. The boy held his hand out and waved for me to follow as he walked from under the bleachers finally being able to stand up straight.

I followed him out and sat on the bleacher while he stood in front of 4 guys holding up multiple posters. The four boys behind him were lightly singing Hunter Hayes wanted.

"You know I'd fall apart without you. I don't know how you do what you do." They sung as Joey flipped the poster card each reading something. 

Hi. Beautiful.

Todays the day of love smile for me baby. 

I've always seen you every Valentines day sad.

Why is a babe like you alone.

Anyone would be stupid not to go for you.

You're beyond beautiful.

Your smile makes me mesmerized. But I rarely see it. :(

I could drown in that ocean you call eyes.

Don't take me for a creep lovely but I've always watched and wanted you.

I could be everything you want.

I don't know what you like because you always hide.

So I bought you everything you deserve. 

While saying that three more guys came out from behind me and handed me a bear balloons chocolates and many more sweet stuff.

Take your heart but I promise I wont break it love.

Smile for me.

That's when the singing stopped and he dropped the cards to the floor. Walking over to me he dropped to his knees and smiled.

"Be my Valentine?" I nodded vigorously while tears came from my face.

Cheers came from everywhere around us. He stood up and picked me up off my feet holding me to my chest. Finally! Finally! Finally! I was wanted. Looking down at him I smiled.

"Whats your name."

"Your night in shining armour."

I giggled through my tears, "No silly your real name."

He pecked me on the lips and looked into my eyes.



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