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  • Dedicated to Sherry

    When I came to the end of Clarity, I was more than extremely excited. Despite the story being shorter than what I had hoped for, I felt like it was okay to end it and move onto the next novel. But then I thought about the Acknowledgements where I would give everyone their due—and the fact that I should dedicate it to someone. It took me less than three seconds to know that I should dedicate it to a very special someone named Myopic or better known as "Sherry." She was the municipal liason for the National Novel Writing Thread specific to my area. The day I joined NaNoWriMo and began this book, she passed away. This book was finished for you, Sherry. I may never have had the chance to meet such a wonderful person, but your work has inspired many. Rest In Peace.

   Though this is dedicated to Sherry, there were many, many other people who helped in the working of this novel—in reality and on Wattpad alike. So this is when I give my thank you to critics, commenters and silent readers alike: thank you. That little number going up just beside the eye makes me jump for joy. It doesn’t matter if I get a million reads or only few hundred—I will be just as happy as I was in the beginning. Because, in the end, the reads don’t really matter. It was how much fun you have while writing that really, truly matters.

   So thank you, to the following people, for all your help: DJEsvilm08, dreamforever24, nixiepixie1, Next_JK_Rowling, vintagebellagirl, leelee57, booklover_sara, jr0127, Autumn_Breeze, KeithRW, Imran_theauthor, Rakkus, TheChrysanthemum, ThatOneGirlWriting, LindaxXx, _keepondreaming, Book_Land, kaileelis05, DarkAngelGal, luCkY2, lucyreine, beingellie, magicalbeing, AbaddonKiller, twizzie, KaylynCast, dat_emo_chick, my followers and all of those I missed or those to come. You’re help—whether contracted or random—has meant the world to me and I don’t know if this book would have ever been finished without your help.

   There are three people I purposely left out because I want to give you your own, personal shout out. White_Out: your comments were an absolute joy to read. I loved waiting to see what you would say when you finished and you gave me several ideas on how to make Clarity even better. Someone crazy enough to keep reading and commenting on every chapter deserves a special mention. ABlueShay: you’re a lot like White_Out in the sense that I enjoy your comments. Reading your own story has been a joy and a nice reprieve from the world of Clarity now and then. I don’t know where I would be without my sexy vampire! It’s been fun having you read along. Xorsudite: Without getting to sentimental—joking, of course—you’ve been there since I first began posting things on Dream Views four years ago. I keep saying I’ll post the new Chained Duet and I will. And you’ll definitely be in the dedications for that one! You’ve been here the whole time giving me support and offer what you know to better my work. From the Chained Duet to The Clinic and Dark Wishes, it seems you’re extending even to this piece. You never cease to amaze me with your ability to read almost anything. Out of anyone else I’ve mentioned, you’re probably the person I’m most thankful for having as a beta reader of sorts. Thank you.

  I would like to also give a special shout out to Autumn_Breeze and 30SecondsFromDeath who promoted my book to their combined 14,000+ fans! You skyrocketed my reads, votes and comments and I couldn’t be happier! I also want to thank those who came as a result of their promotion—though I may not know you yet or you’ve not commented before I’m writing this, I just want to say thank you!

   It would be a crime to go without mentioning my absolutely, wonderful editor whom I love so much for her unending patience with me. FoxtrotAndTango, you’ve been absolutely a joy to work with you and I look forward to continue our correspondence! You almost got the dedication for this, but the next one is definitely yours! You deserve a gold medal and a jar of cookies for waiting so patiently for me to turn in chapter after chapter—with all of them ending in cliffhangers! Thank you so much. Now let’s make this next book better than the first!

  Despite it being short, I also want to send out a quick thank you to OsmosiaLee who created the absolutely beautiful cover to “Clarity.” Even two months later, I still love it! I also want to extend a thank you to ItzayanaVelazquez who also made me an amazing cover, but one I didn’t use. Thank you both for your time and giving me absolutely gorgeous covers!

     There is one final person I would like to thank and he knows who he is. He actually entered my life just as I was in the midst of “Clarity” and even though he’s just now reading it, I know he’ll tell me he loved it even if he hated it. Yes, I do mean you. It took you a while to get to it, but you’ve finally finished it! With that aside, he’s been there supporting me and cheering me on to finish this book. He is just as important as my editor and all of you wonderful people reading this right now. If only he would realize that.

     It’s been a blast guys! So turn the page and see what’s coming next. I hope to see you all in book two!



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