What Did I just Do?

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The still air and quiet whooshing of wind did not feel like Wonderland. I glanced around at my environment and it definitely didn't look like Wonderland. It looked a bit like....London. I'd visited the place last summer as a part pf the school's Gifted Talented Program. I spun around, letting the new atmosphere adjust. Then reality kicked it. I wish it didn't do that. My brain was literally freaking out that I was in another place. One second I was in the school library, then the next I'm in Westminster, London. It was no sense whatsoever. I decided to ignore my common sense. I wandered around the streets until I landed on a house's driveway that looked oddly familiar. It hit my almost instantly. It was Alice Liddell's house! She lived here. I'm guessing since I flipped to the front page of the book, then I'd been transported to the beginning of Alice's story. As my favorite non-fiction author would explain it as, book jumping. It was a very intriguing idea. Now I was the first person in the world's history to experience it. 

I'll try to recap the feeling of being carried from my world to this one's. At first, the golden light enveloped me filling me with a light feeling. Then it felt like I was being gently lifted, like I was resting on a soft, feather bed. It was unlike what the professor who tried to describe book jumping explained it as. It was very, very different. Anyways, I want to try to watch from a distance of how the story took place. I crept around the side of the mansion like house and saw, as expected, Alice leaning against a large maple tree. She was holding what looked to me like a first edition reader. Her older sister was shaking her to wake her up. Alice stirred and her sister started reprimanding her. It was so alluring to actually encounter what my favorite piece of fiction was holding in it's leathery paper and black ink. I inched closer and I could hear what Alice was saying. In the next split second, a white rabbit-the White Rabbit scampered across the field of grass. Alice was pointing and she grabbed the edges of her skirt and commenced a mad hare chase. 

I leapt at my opportunity and shot out behind her. She turned around briefly and her face held a look of confusion. She wasn't looking where she was going and slammed face first into the large tree. It hit her right on the temples. Blood started seeping out.... and her lifeless body crumpled into a heap. I gasped in horror. I'd just killed Alice! Well, technically I made her look away.... whatever. I'd just killed the main protagonist of the story!!! I was doomed. The White Rabbit shot out again, and in my anger I lashed out at him. My hand never connected, but rather made me fall face first toward the ground. But the ground where I'd landed was no longer a pile of earth. It had opened up creating the much anticipated rabbit hole. I fell down, down, down, and down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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