The Long lost friend

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Chapter 2 

As I turn towards the window the next morning I looked out once again to see if there was anyone that I would know that might come visit me but there wasn't anyone that I'm familiar to. As I gazed out the window I heard a knock on the door and I quickly turned towards the door and saw a friend her name was Nancy Chang. Nancy is a really good friend of mine but we got seperated when we were in Korea together for a really long time. And finally today was the day I could finally see her again. I screamed and yelled


Nancy turn towards where the shout came from and she saw me with her huge eyes staring and with her body language she happily screamed


"OMG I'm so glad I'm seeing you again,I'm missed you so much."

"I know right I missed you too!"

"How have u been?"

As we've talked this whole morning til night we had a great time together chatting and remembering the old memories it was time for Nancy to leave. I felt disappointed and I felt like I have to go back in to the "Hopsitial jail" as I would call it. Nancy blew a kiss and waved goodbye as though we would never see each other again. That day was the most best day of Vannie's life seeing her friend again and talking with her for such a long period of time. That night when Vannie was in her deepiest dream,she heard a creak out in her room and saw a shade that seemed like her dad but it wasn't. She got off of her bed and grapped a stick and she slowly turned the door nob,she peeked outside the hall and called

"Hello is anyone there?"

There were no answer.Vannie became really nervous and started to wonder if there was monster that wanted to attack her,as she slowly turn back and go to her bed right when she turned towards her bed...


She wacked the stick on a head that made a big bang sound and she heard voice screaming 

"OUCH! Hey watch it Vannie."


She opens the light and saw it was Justin that came in she wondered how he got into her room. Justin was one of Vannie's good friend Vannie use to have a crush on him but she doesn't know if Justin still loves her or not.

"Why did you do that for? It really hurt my head."

"Oh I'm sorry but you really did scared me and don't just pop up all of the sudden like appearing ghost would do."


Vannie gentle said 

"Are you ok? I'm sorry I hit you with the stick I don't mean to its just that I was really scared."

"No its ok but next time just be more careful ok?"

"ok don't worry I promise I won't do it again."

As Vannie giggled a little bit as she was watching Justin's emotions. During that night Justin and Vannie had a really good time together,and right when Justin was about to leave Justin hummed Vannie to sleep before he left,while he was humming he looked at her with deep thoughts and wondered about a question that he has been wanting to ask. But he just doesn't know when he should tell her. As he hummed to the very last line he wanted to not leave her but he had to go because nobody can see him before dawn comes. So then he hummed the last light and he kissed her forehead and said softly

"Good bye Vannie I'm sure you had fun tonight but I hope you would always remember tonight as a gift to you my loved one."

He jumped off out of the window and he ran back home.The next morning when Vannie woke up she saw a note next to her and it was from Justin last night. She opened it up and it said

Dear Vannie,

I'm sure you had fun last night but,I'm pretty sure this would be the last night this would ever happen because I'm going back to California now.Sorry to disappoint you and broke the promise I'm sorry but I have to go because my mom and my dad got back together.So I'm sorry to make you disappointed but I'm pretty sure you would find someone to love."



P.S I've always wanted to tell you this since we were friends.....I'm telling you this right now is because I know I'm never going to see you again so....this is it....

I LOVE YOU! I hope you love me too.  Vannie was shocked of how Justin said that to her so she got off of her bed and she ran outside to the hall and behind the note said

If you want to see me for the last night come to the airport when you wake up I will be waiting for you if you come or not because my flight is in the afternoon at 6 so come if you may. 

Vannie ran and ran and ran until she could barely feel her heart beating.She ran with tears dripping one by one she knows that she loves Justin dearly but she never admits that one bit of the problem. Finally she made it and before she knew it,it wasn't 6 yet it was still 5 in the morning. She rushed in to the airport and she saw Justin right there in front of her eyes.

(To be conutied) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2012 ⏰

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