Chapter 1 Shamrock

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June are you awake?
Yes mom I'm awake.
June hurry up your breakfast is getting cold.
Okay mom.
June are you coming?
Yes mom!!!!! Let me get out of bed!!!!!
Don't you yell at me June Anne Johnson.
What are you doing up there?
Are you asleep?
My mom doesn't know it, but when ever she thinks I'm asleep I'm really not. I'm actually doing something else...
For the last year I've gotten a habit, a very bad habit.
I've grown a habit of cutting. It makes me feel better since I get bullied so much. It actually relieves some stress. I know this sounds bad but if you were told everyday that you were gods worst mistake to ever create you, you'd understand why I do it.
I'm getting dressed mom.
The worst part about cutting though, is that I always have to wear long sleeves and when I get hot, it's complete torture. Any way, I better go downstairs Branson should be picking me up soon. That's my best friend, he's so cute. He has the most sweetest eyes, and he is so humble and optimistic. That's what I love about him. Plus he's so nice to me, and he's the only one I've told about being bullied.

Hurry up and eat, your dads gonna take you to school.
But mom, I'm walking to school with Branson.
I don't think you should actually hangout with that boy he is dating a rich snob.
He's my best friend though!
Branson and I have been best friends since I can remember. We do everything together, or at least when I want to. Sometimes though, I fear he's gonna get controlled by Maddison and he'll stop being friends with me. Then I'll be alone more and more. I have anxiety over that every day. It even feels like he's using our friendship.
Good morning Mrs. Johnson. Says Branson
You too Branson
Is June ready?
She's in the bathroom, and actually her dad is taking her to school s-
No he's not mom, I just called dad and he said that he had to do other paperwork so he wouldn't have been able to anyway.
Hi Branson.
Hi June.
No actually Branson you'll have to wait because I don't like her skipping breakfast. Says my mom annoyingly.
I could tell Branson was getting a little impatient.
Fine mom I'll take my breakfast.
June seriously it's fine, I can w---
Branson seriously it's fine, you can't wait I can tell, lets go.
Bye mom!
Bye June-bug!

June we could've waited.
Branson it's fine.
Hey where's your green? Your gonna get pinched.
That hole leprechaun stuff,  it's so fake you know that Branson.
It's St. Patrick's day though, June it's just for fun.

And here goes the 24 hour text messages.

Maddison: Hey Freak, how are you today wait I don't care because hearing about your pathetic life makes me want to shoot myself in the freaking head. Can't wait to see what your ugly outfit is today. Xoxo - Maddison
Don't let it get to you June
Branson how do you date her when you know that she bullies me?!
June, there's something I need to tell you...
Oh no, was he gonna tell me that he doesn't wanna be friends with me anymore, I knew this day would come!!!
I'm breaking up with her today, and I don't care if she starts to be mean to me, I'm sick of the way she treats you.
Branson thats so sweet of y--

Maddison: Hey looser, here's the thing you better stay away from Branson or else you'll regret the day you ever were born. Xoxo - Maddison
Who is it June?
Who do you think it is?
What'd she s--
We're gonna be late for school, we better stop talking and do more walking.
June? What'd she say?
Nothing Branson!!!
Nothing at all, gosh would you just...just...shut up!!!!!!
Suddenly he snatched my phone out of my hand and read the message.
While I was watching him read the message I noticed he gave a little smirk like it was funny.
Did he possibly think that, that was funny?!
Why are you smirking?! Is this funny to you?!
You're seriously laughing at me being bullied!!!
June I can explain, I wasn't l--
DON'T talk to me for the rest of the day, you can walk yourself to school.
Then I snatched MY phone out of HIS hands.
I can't believe that he would actually do something like that, that shows what a real friend he is.
Oh no, here goes my anxiety attack:(

And here goes Maddison again.
Maddison: Why aren't you answering my texts June, are you too afraid since you suck at telling people your come backs. Wait I know why you suck, because you don't have any...sad face. Gosh you were gods worst mistake, do you know that? Here's an idea.. Go KILL yourself!!!! Xoxo - Maddison
As I was getting ready to walk in the school doors I was ready that last part, go kill yourself and all I though to myself...maybe the world would be a better place without me huh?
Whatever, I don't feel like skipping school today, I've already gotten enough Tardis.
Then of course right then standing there in front of me was Maddison and the 9 other bullies. I had to act quick, do you really think That I'd walk by them?
I've learned that the hard way, the last time I walked by them one of the boys named Harrison tripped me and at the time I didn't have a folder so I had all the papers stacked in groups, but not after he tripped me. That was so embarrassing for me. At one point I think the lunch lady was even laughing.
I tried to find a way to pass them, but I had nothing I was just gonna have to get made fun of and deal with it.
Come on June you can do this, don't be scared of Maddison. What am I saying, that's completely impossible.
I had no choice I had the walk by goes nothing.

Well, well, well isn't it the stupid boyfriend stealer. You still haven't answered me back, I'm trying to be nice and communicate and let the fact that I hate you so much I wish you would leave slide. Why can't you notice that? You think I'm the one being rude but June, you're actually the rude one "said Maddison".
When I heard that all I wanted to say is "am I'm the one that tells people to kill them self on  a daily basis?!"
But if I did she would probably just go on and say how much she hates me, witch I already get that from all 10 of them so much.

What you're not gonna respond, JUNE?
Sorry Maddison, my phone dead.
Really, is that why you opened it? "Said Maddison".
Oh yea, my little brother likes to um...go on other people's phones for some odd reason.
You're an only child stupid! "Said Emily"
You're not a very good liar June, you know that right. I mean I wouldn't really blame you...your life does kinda, I mean extremely SUCK so no wonder you lie about your life. It's so miserable that you have to make up exciting things just to sound interesting which by the way is never going to happen June so I would just stop even trying.
She's the quiet one, isn't she? "Said Carly"
Yea I think she is "says Maddison"
Look Maddison I really have to get to class, it's Art and it's really my favorite class a--
And? What does that have to do with anything you Idiot?
Anyway, so I'm turning 16 next weekend and my mom is so nice, she's so annoying so she's making me invite the whole entire school. Which really sucks because you're a part of the whole entire school so I guess that means that you have to come and that's gonna ruin my whole freaking stupid sweet 16 birthday.
So thanks a lot June!
"Said Maddison"
I don't think I can g-
Wait a second where's you green? Says Harrison
Um I um, um um I I
Well it looks like we're just gonna have to pinch you. Says Harrison

Suddenly they all ran towards me pinching me and pinching me. It hurt so bad I wanted to scream and cry. I think one girl even made me bleed. And then there she was, Maddison standing there laughing and recording the whole thing. Probably getting ready to post it to Maddison Vlogs.

I thought leprechauns were the ones to pinch you, not high school teens...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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