The Surprise

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Hello, my name is Aurora and I have been stranded on the Starship Avalon for five years. I was woken up by a man named Jim. To my surprise it is very nice. Its like a vacation where you have no worries about work, money, or taxes. but this vacation is different. I started out the trip thinking I would be asleep for 90 years and only spend the last weeks on this ship and to live on a new planet. The only thing I have to worry about up here is making sure to plug in my tablet every night so I can wake up and write. I originally thought that if Jim and I were on earth we would never have a chance. now my views have changed I think we would. I could supply our family with money and he could stay at home and help around the house. Up here we don't have to worry about money which is good but when everyone else wakes up and they see our bill. I wish I could be there for that. Jim and I got to retire so young and live free as we were meant to be. I think I'm sick because I have been throwing up a lot which is odd so I think I'm going to go the the medical room. So as I was saying living here is like being stranded on an island but when you get there its a five star resort for you and a stranger. Okay I'm almost there I just need to take the zero g elevator which I always forget to buckle in because who needs to buckle in for a thirty second elevator ride? That question is answered when I get that familiar pain of being thrown down to the floor as we retain gravity. I walk down the long hall way and reach the infirmary where I lay down in the medical scanner or what ever you call it and start the testing. I lay there for 30 seconds and wait to be assessed for what sickness I have and what I need to treat it. I get out of the tube and hear "congratulations Aurora you are Pregnant!" What have we done is all I think. We have now stranded another human on this ship.  I go back to the computer and search for abortions to see if I could have one done. I don't want an abortion stranding a child is much worse than talking the chance of life away from an innocent young child. I then remember about Jim. should I tell him he's going to be a father or should I wait and tell him when I start to develop a baby bump. I travel back but this time I am wearing my seatbelt and decide to go for a swim. While I am swims g Jim comes in too. "nice seeing you here" he says "what a small ship" I replied back. We both laugh. It was all going good until my stomach decided to give me a little surprise. I threw up all in the pool and guess who was watching Jim. Yes the very person who I was hiding this from. He immediately tells me to go to the doctor. I fight and fight with him until I conceive and tell myself he's gonna need to know somehow.

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