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"I wake up in the morning sinking halfway th-"


Your ringtone was the first noise you'd heard in a while, everyone else in your office had left hours ago.

You check your phone and smile.

(Caller ID: Mark Fischbach)

Long time no see.

You slide the button over the screen to accept the call and answer, "Hello, city morgue."

Mark splutters over the phone and chuckles nervously. "Uh, hi I thought this was the number for Y/n L/n, sorry they must have changed their number recently-"

"This is the right number, sir, we have her phone," a chuckle escapes your lips as you hear your old friend sigh.

"Hey Y/n, how've you been?" A soft chuckle follows.

"I've been well. Got a late shift tonight so I'm still at the office, but it's all good." You open your mouth ready to ask him why he called but he cuts you off, "So, anyways, I called to see if you were free on Tuesday."

You count on your fingers to see what day that lands on, "Yeah but, Mark, isn't that Valentine's Day?" you cover your mouth and gasp, were you being asked on a date? On Valentine's Day?

"Yes it is, actually um-" You raise your eyebrows and look around. What the fuck is going on? Am I in the Twilight Zone? "-I figured maybe we could get dinner? See a play, possibly?"

"Oh." With a grin growing on your face you cover your phone's microphone and spit out incoherent gibberish. You take a deep breath and move your hand away from your phone. "Uh sorry, I mean yeah that sounds like a lot of fun."

"You alright there? Sounded like you were having some trouble talking." You could hear the smirk in his voice as you facepalmed in shame.

"Oh my god. I thought I covered my microphone...Listen, I swear if you start acting like a fifteen year old fuckboy because you know I still think you're cute I'll hang up, you know I will. It's happened before."

"Listen," He giggles, "I promise I won't, so please don't leave me hanging." You could visualize all of his cute little details like how he had perfect teeth and a scruffy little beard and how his hair could go from fluffy to emo in a heartbeat.

You snort at that last one and reply, "Oh, I won't. Even if you did start acting like a snotty teenager, I have no one else to talk to." He softly says aw, then, No not you, silly. Must be talking to Chica. "But anyways, I really do look forward to seeing you again, last time we really hung out with each other was more than a year ago on Halloween."

"Yeah but hopefully this time we hang out we won't leave with so many bruises. Roller-skating really kicks your ass when you haven't done it in a while."

"I know! God, I was black and blue for days, my knees especially. Although being an adult people didn't really think those were from skating." Your laughter is cut off by a short beep and you furrow your eyebrows.

"Yeah, but no telling what could happen. Maybe one of us will find our evil counterpart and be replaced by it." You begin to laugh again but stop and cringe when your phone fills with static and beeps. You pull your phone away from your ear and look at it. There were no signs of interference or anything, maybe he went through a rough patch in his house?

"Hey did you just lose service or something? There was a whole lot of static for a second there."

"Uh yeah, maybe. I'll just avoid this area when I make future calls I guess." You nod and yawn. "Hey I guess it's actually pretty late, huh? Guess I'll let you go so you can finish up at work or whatever so you can go home."

"Yeah cool, sounds like a plan, my man. It was fun talking to you, Mark."

"Yeah, you too. Hope you make it home safe. See you Tuesday. Buh-bye."


You shuffle around your papers and clean up your workspace with a smile. Today was actually pretty nice.


You finally pack all of your things and make your way to the main door of the office, which to your surprise, was being opened by the third floor receptionist.

"Hey, Y/n, got a minute?" you nod your head and sigh, knowing what comes next. "This is for you." He hands you a binder full of papers, probably full of documents that you need to edit and make notes on, just like the last time. 

"Thanks, P.J., do you know if I can take this home over the weekend or if this is like a work at work thing?" P.J. shrugs and purses his lips.

"All I know is that they want it back sometime Monday, so I assume you can take it home and take your time on it...Whatever it is." You sigh in relief and pat the top of the binder.

"Okay, wonderful. Hope you have a good night. See you Monday, maybe."

"Yeah, see you, bye." You walk past him and out into the hallway. Time to go home and crash.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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