116 7 3

impalalala: hey

impalalala: hey cas

impalalala: cas

impalalala: CAS

aotfl: yes????

impalalala: hi

aotfl: hello, Dean

impalalala: sup

aotfl: just reading. wbu?

impalalala: nothin much

Moose: soooooo you gonna tell him or must i

tricksterr: ?????????????????

aotfl: ?

impalalala: no sammy it will be i

tricksterr: tell him what????????

impalalala: okay okay okay

impalalala: soooooooooo guess what

tricksterr: youre in love with cas?????

Moose: yes

impalalala: that was literally not what i was going to say

thequeen: woah hold up

thequeen: what did i just come back to

impalalala: well i was trying to tell cas that me n sammy are going to san francisco this summer

impalalala: for pride

impalalala: but i keep getting interupteD

aotfl: youre coming here????????

tricksterr: !!!!!!!

thequeen: omg!!!

Moose: yes!!!

impalalala: :D !!!!!

thequeen: oh my god

thequeen: this means i need to get there too

thequeen: and we can all go to pride holy hell

aotfl: ive never actually been omg lets do this


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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