The Vampires Game

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It was a school trip to Romania where she found out of her powers. she was alone, venturing and exploring on her own away from the group. She was in the cemetery of tortured souls. Wandering around the only church to grant death to all. something called seemed to yearn for her. She followed the feeling to a small stone house marked up with yellow caution tape.

"Just beyond there" she said to the black abyss past the tape. she lifted the warning and ducked into the house. it was small with markings all over the walls. she raised a hand to the wall and let her fingers drag over and feel the scriptures. she felt her eyes water again.

this place was a sad place. full of fear, sadness, and a giant sense of loss.

a tear streamed down her cheek.

"You poor people, none deserve this" she whispered closing her eyes and bowing her head to the dead.

She had grown up next to a cemetery, she knew how to properly respect the dead.

"It's been so long" a raspy voice came from somewhere close. she spun around to see no one. it was a small house, one to three rooms. all bare and dust filled and all with the same markings.

"Who's there" she said walking back towards the taped off door.

"So long since someone's prayed for me" the voise came again. some thing twinges in her heart. she slowly stopped and turned to the marked wall. she walked back over and felt the carvings once more. she got down on her knees and clasped her hands together.

"I pray, that you find happiness and a wonderful life wherever you are. please know that you are now clean of all bonds and can freely leave this place now" she said with her eyes closed. she suddenly felt an immense thickness lift. for a moment it was a calm peaceful bliss.

Then it suddenly got hard and thick. she found herself barely able to stand up. the sky got darker and a fog rolled into the house out of nowhere. She turned towards the door... something was coming...something evil. she backed up until she was pressed against the wall. all she could see where blood red eyes and a piercing white toothy smile.

"You've released me of my bonds girl, to bad they weren't good ones" a deep male voice came. It had a Romanian accent, hot and cold toned.

"W-what.." she muttered as a man walked threw the door. he was in all black from his neck to his feet. bare arms showing the ancient scripture for evil and damnation. her eyes widened as she looked up. deep tan skin, blood red eyes and a long black mane. a scar going down his left eye and a pointed evil smile.

"What are you" she whispered as her legs gave out and she sunk to the floor. he walked over to her, his boots thumping almost matching the thumps her heartbeat made against her chest. she couldn't help but stare at this evil beauty.

"I'm a vampire" he said opening his mouth to show pointed fangs. she started to tremble.

"Don't worry-" he said kneeling down and tilting her chin up with a hand

"- I won't kill you" he moved her long brown hair from her neck.

"I'll make you a slave, you did awaken and save me after all" he whispered into her ear. he was getting closer.

"You'll yearn for my bite" he licked her neck. she was frozen in fear.

"Better yet, you'll yearn for me" he said and sank his fangs into her. she could feel her blood run cold and slowly leave her body. it was a mixed feeling as she slowly slipped out if consciousness. it felt soothing, heat filled and hot... then her world started to fade.

"Your mine now"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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